Head of School

Head of School


Type of service:
Personal Statement

Single spacing

Paper format:
Other (add to details)

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper details:

Personal Statement – polish up

Personal Profile


I am a highly motivated and driven college lecturer and course manager currently employed for Coleg Gwent with an established proficiency of teaching childcare across all levels, ranging from Level 1, 2 and 3 to the Childhood Studies Foundation Degree. Allied to this, I have also gained valuable experience from teaching on the Level 3 Welsh Childcare course and am willing to undertake training in this area to further develop my skills. Existing experience are skills gained as a Level 5 Nursery Manager, After School Club Leader, Teaching Assistant and Learning Support Assistant. Added to my college work I also have extensive background experience in having worked in both primary and secondary school settings for over 8 years.

I am a well-qualified individual with a PGCE, 1st class BSC Hons degree and a Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Children’s Care, Learning and Development who would be an excellent candidate to qualify for this position. I have an ability to grow with a job, handle responsibility and build positive relationships with learners and work colleagues at all levels, being confident that I can deliver a level of high performance and professionalism within this job role.


In my current role I am responsible for providing a comprehensive management service for my learners which will assist them in attaining the qualifications required for moving into the ‘Higher Education Sector’. Over the last 3 years I have acquired a proven track record of success in this field with 80% of my learners receiving university offers and the majority of learns attaining exam results ranging from A to C grade.

To achieve this success, as part of my management role, I have observed the increasing importance of conceiving, delivering and communicating a clear vision to my work colleagues. By motivating them and offering the guidance and support they need to employ my vision, I implemented a team approach, with each individual working towards the same common goal. From the success of my course I have proven that I have the flexible, overarching leadership abilities to construct a management strategy that focuses on a group objective, while empowering the team to deliver it for the ultimate benefit of my learners and the college. This demonstrates that I am someone who knows how to set and achieve goals, thus incorporating Coleg Gwent’s core values into the performance management of my course.

Moreover I feel certain that my strong communication skills coupled with my theoretical knowledge of person centred care and well-being will be of immediate value to ‘School of Care’ staff and learners. Moreover, my counselling qualifications enable me to use active listening which enables me to connect with work colleagues and increase team cooperation. It is also a key approach for effective negotiation, and resolving any team conflicts.

To expand my management skills, I have recently completed ‘Mentoring and Assertiveness’ training. This should enable me to increase individual team commitment for my childcare course and improve levels of professional success. Moreover, it will enable me to express my feelings and requests appropriately, which is an important personal and interpersonal skill for a management role. If I am successful in securing the ‘Head of School’ this skill will also assist me when meeting with senior managers and will aid my role as a college ambassador.

Allied to these attributes, I have been involved in many successful moderation sessions with other Coleg Gwent Campuses in order to improve the consistency of assessment across the childcare department. I have also been part of various external moderation meetings to check the consistency of assessment. Additionally, when I was moderated last year, my assessment of, ‘An Introduction to Leadership & Management’ and ‘Childcare Theories and Development’ were fully agreed.

Besides this experience, as part of my observational duties for the ‘Childhood Studies’ degree I am extremely confident in my ability to monitor and evaluate effectively and in turn, improve the quality of teaching and learning. I have undertaken an extensive amount of traveling to meet the requirements of these observed sessions and my judgements have always been agreed. This includes having the opportunity to attend and have my judgements critiqued by the USW exam board, who fully agreed with all my judgements in the said area.

Beneficial to this role, is my previous experience of working as an After School Club Leader. One of my responsibilities required me to control and monitor the clubs budget to ensure that the services of the club were well managed and value for money. Furthermore, to reinforce these services I regularly organised events to raise money for the club. These events included from, ‘Fun Days, Talent Shows, School Picnics’ and applications to local supermarkets for donations from the ‘Community Matter Schemes.’ This funding enabled me to keep finances in order and the After School Club running, which was extremely beneficial for the school and the learners attending it.

In view of this, I feel that my experience to date has equipped me with the necessary skills and qualities to be an effective ‘Head of School’. I fully support the aspirational ethos of Coleg Gwent and if appointed, I would continue to demonstrate my commitment to working with learners, colleagues, parents/carers, governors and the wider community in ensuring that the Crosskeys Campus continues to be a place of excellence.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I would dearly like to further discuss the scope of this position with you in person, and would welcome the chance of a meeting.