The role of a nurse in a faith community setting.

The role of a nurse in a faith community setting.

– Nursing

Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
4 pages

Number of sources:
4 sources

Paper details:

Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings. The purpose of this paper is to describe the community setting and analyze the role of a nurse in the assigned setting. Health promotion nursing interventions and a professional nursing organization related to this role will also be examined. The community health setting for this paper must be a faith community such as a church/parish, or other congregation. Locate and read at least one scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that is not assigned in the course related to a nurse’s role in health promotion in this setting. Search peer reviewed journals to find a scholarly article on this topic. The article must be less than 10 years old (less than 5 years is best). Quotations should be minimal—please paraphrase your sources. A maximum of one quotation should be used for this paper.