History – American Colonists supported Revolution

History  – American Colonists supported Revolution


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
2 sources


0This assignment has two section only one paragraph per section will work. for the first assignment we representing number (9)
Debate in New York, 1774

It was estimated about one-third of American Colonists supported Revolution, one-third were loyalists, and one-third remained neutral. You are each assigned one of these factions. If you are Number 1-3, you are a Revolutionary. If you are 4-6, you are a Loyalist. If you are 7-10, you are Neutral (at least for now). Now that you have your faction, let’s examine the situation:

It is 1774, and Parliament has just issued the “Intolerable Acts”, closing the port of Boston, instituting martial law, as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. You are an elected representative of the people of the colony of New York.

The colonial legislature is debating the issue of the Intolerable Acts. What do you think New York can or should do in response to the situation in Massachusetts? Remember, you need to represent your faction in the ensuing debate.Also remember, this is two years before the pamphlet Common Sense or the Declaration of Independence. So declaring independence from Great Britain would not be a likely proposal, even for the revolutionary faction. Likewise, being a Loyalist did not mean always agreeing with everything Parliament did. It meant you were unwilling to go to the lengths of armed rebellion, but you may want to oppose the acts in other ways.

That said, what do you think New York can or should do in response?
second –
Contrasting Opinions on the Revolution
3 3 unread replies. 3 3 replies.
Look at the primary source documents for this unit. Compare and contrast two of them that hold opposing viewpoints. Use examples from each to support your claims.
Note , I uploaded the Primary sources for this section it is in word format.