Research proposal

Research proposal

Discipline: Education

Type of service: Term Paper

Spacing: Double spacing

Paper format: APA

Number of pages: 3 pages

Number of sources: 15 sources

Paper details

40% Research Proposal
(2000 words)

As the module aims to introduce students to the research process, the final assessment in the form of a research proposal is designed to test your knowledge on the benefits and disadvantages of different research methods, and which are most appropriate for particular research questions. By the end of the module you will have been guided through a research project and be ready to design your own. This will also help to prepare you for your dissertation module in the final year. Your draft is included as one of your portfolio tasks, for which you will receive written formative feedback. As a minimum this should include your research question and chosen method, and you can write up your other sections too – up to a maximum of 1000 words. Your final proposal should include the following sections:

š Rationale
š Research Question/s
š Methodology
š Literature Review

Pick a topic that you find interesting or would like to know more about. Devise a research question or questions that you are able to answer with a small research project. In writing your question, consider what is already known by other researchers in this field. Outline your chosen research method and how this will help you answer your research questions, and why other methods would not be suitable for this task.

The best proposals demonstrate clear links between the research questions, methodology and existing research on the topic as well as meeting all or most of the criteria below. Weaker proposals do not fully justify choices, or contain insufficient research on the topic. Getting the right research question is also very significant for all the other elements of your proposal – so be sure to attend the seminars to discuss this.

Marking criteria:

Knowledge and Understanding

· You have used academic sources (peer reviewed or published books) to show that you know about existing research in this area

· You have explained the pros and cons of different research methods, using references from academic sources on the reading list

Intellectual Skills

· You have provided a rationale for your choice of research methods that links to your research questions

Scholarly Practices

· You have correctly referenced in your text and provided a correct bibliography

· You have written in the appropriate academic style

Research and Enquiry

· Your research questions are clear, well phrased and answerable

· Your chosen research methods will allow you to answer your research question/s.