Swine Flu in Australia

There is an outbreak of swine flu in Australia. As a health professional you decide on how best to prepare staff_x000D_
in Cockatoo Rest to minimise the risk of infection to staff._x000D_
According to Murphy (2006) health care workers in developing countries were unsure of the most effective_x000D_
methods of infection control to prevent disease transmission; this meant that many healthcare workers became_x000D_
infected. The capacity of the virus to infect unprepared health care workers meant that there was a shortage of_x000D_
skilled health care workers to assist in protecting the population._x000D_
Reference: Murphy, C., 2006. The 2003 SARS Outbreak: Global Challenges and Innovative Infection Control_x000D_
Measures. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. 11 No. 1, Manuscript 5._x000D_
INTRODUCTION – 200 words_x000D_
Contains statements regarding the purpose, scope of content and point of view to be developed in the main_x000D_
body of the paper._x000D_
The strategies you identify must contain at least two references from reputable literature that have been_x000D_
published over the past 10 years. Limit your references to published literature and government web sites. Some_x000D_
suggested areas for discussion include;_x000D_


  • What is a pandemic? (keep this brief – pandemics, are they dangerous?)
  • _x000D_



  • Describe how influenza is transmitted. .(knowledge of transmission supports the preparations you are likely to recommend based on evidence in the literature)
  • _x000D_



  • Identify the strategies used by health professionals and give examples of each strategy (there may
  • _x000D_

be more than one example)_x000D_
1) Personal protective devices_x000D_
2) The use of medications / immunisation_x000D_
3) The management of patients coming to clinics to minimise the risk of infecting staff_x000D_


  • Justify your choice of examples, using your knowledge of epidemiology and infection control and
  • _x000D_

evidence collected(how successful are they)_x000D_


  • What difficulties were experienced by nurses and doctors in protecting themselves
  • _x000D_



  • Did the attitudes of nurses / doctors towards these strategies play a part in their success or failure?
  • _x000D_



  • Do you think you and other health professionals will be safer in the next pandemic? Why do you think
  • _x000D_

CONCLUSION – 200 words_x000D_
Draws together the main arguments in the paper but does not present new information. The conclusion may_x000D_
also state future directions or limitations of the work._x000D_
Can you use government web site book and journals, also use references from Australia._x000D_
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