Suppose a large number of new immigrants enter the labor market. What will be the effect of this on wages and output in the short run and in the long run?

Suppose a large number of new immigrants enter the labor market. What will be the effect of this on wages and output in the short run and in the long run?

Max word limit 1200.
Answer question by specifically separating answers related to wages and separate to output and separate for long term and short term effects. Add graphs preferably to prove results.
Essay should not be a textbook representation of e.g., Solow growth model. It is not just about macro theory per se, but how you would utilize macro theory knowledge to discuss some contemporary macro/policy issues. However do show knowledge of macro theory.
On last page of your essay, you need to arrive at some conclusion. How could it be accomplished? It helps to think what motivating question is, and what message you would like to convey with your essay

Use more sources if needed