Clinical Problem Presentation
Type of document PowerPoint Presentation
4 Pages
Subject area Nursing
Academic Level Undergraduate
Style APA
Number of references 3
Order description:
Identify clinical problem at current or previous employer for which an evidence-based solution can be used.
Develop an 8- to 10-slide presentation in which you address the following points:
Explain how the issue was resolved using research.
Give a brief synopsis of what research was used to support the best practice.
Explain benchmarking guidelines used to maintain the best practice.
Describe which electronic data was used to track the progress.
Describe the nursing roles associated with this project.
7 points possible Points available Points earned
- Identifies a clinical practice gap and problem for which implementing an evidence-based solution would improve patient outcomes 2
- Demonstrates an understanding of benchmarking with evidence-based care 2.5
- Demonstrates an understanding of how to use of metrics for tracking responses to best practices 2.5
3 points possible Points available Points earned
- Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation
- Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow
- Consistent with APA guidelines for formatting and citation of outside works 3
Total 10