The Future of Disaster Mental Health Response

The Future of Disaster Mental Health Response

Type of document           Essay

1 Page

Subject area         Environmental Issues

Academic Level Undergraduate

Style      APA

Number of references  3

Order description:

Week 8 Discussion – The Future of Disaster Mental Health Response

Overview: For our last course discussion, reflect upon the Week 8 Multimedia Resources and information presented throughout the course.

Select two proposed strategies for improving Disaster Mental Health from the list (a-f) below:

  1. Improved Public and Risk Communication
  2. Improved Training of Clinical Medical Professionals
  3. Improved Collaboration between Medical and Mental Health Providers
  4. Increased Federal Funding for Disaster Mental Health
  5. Disaster Mental Health Policy Advocacy and Implementation
  6. Other

Explain how these two improvements will promote the effectiveness and efficiency of mental health disaster response.

Reading – Neria, Y., Sandro, G., & Norris, F. (2009). Mental health and disasters. Cambridge University Press, New York: NY.

Chapters 23 and 26

*Please use as many references as needed.