Education in the United States

Education in the United States

Read Chapter 9 of The Policy Game: Understanding U.S. Policy Making, and watch Changing Education Paradigms (or read the transcript). Then, write a paper on the problem of education in the United States. Share your reactions to the concepts and perspective presented in the video. In your paper, address the following:

Does every individual have the right of access to education? Explain why or why not?
Do you think every individual has the right to the same kind of education (i.e., academic versus vocational)? Explain why.
Who should be responsible for the provision of education, the federal or local government, or individual citizens? Explain why.
In your opinion, what needs to be done currently to improve our educational system?
Also, discuss one policy that you feel has been instrumental in making positive changes in the provision of education either nationally or locally and explain your position.

Your paper must be three to four pages in length. Begin your paper with an introduction, including a succinct thesis statement. Respond to all questions with critical thought. Conclude with a summary of your thesis and findings. Conclude summarizing your perspective and findings. Incorporate three to five scholarly sources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford University Library. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. All sources must be properly cited in text, and your paper must include a separate title page and reference page. The Ashford Writing Center is located within the Learning Resources tab, on the left navigation toolbar.