Media Portfolio Project

1.    To investigate and explore how media representations of your chosen community (black community) function to maintain inequality on the basis of categories of difference (i.e., race and ethnicity, social class, sex and gender, sexuality, religion and belief systems, or ability). Look for stereotypes (positive and/or negative) related to your community in these media representations. Describe/analyze what message the media example is delivering to audience.
?    For example, find media sources that represent: Women as ditzy; Elderly people as filled with wisdom; Gay men as fashion experts; Poor people as lazy, etc.
?    In my case, black people are more athletic compare to other races (whites or Asians). Blacks run faster/quicker and jump higher.
?    Some people have stereotypes that black people are poor or all from Harlem.

2.    To connect these representations to institutions that also maintain systems of inequality A SPECIFIC INSTITUION- DO NOT GENERALIZE WITH STATEMENTS SUCH AS”AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS”.-BE SPECIFIC (examples are: family, education, work and the economy, the state and public policy) or to aspects of our culture that maintains inequality (i.e., language or violence and social control)-RELATE TO
?    Here I want you to look for what underlying messages also are being sent about/through our institutions—Some examples: (1) If gays and lesbians get married, the institution of marriage will fall apart, or the family as we know it will fall apart; (2)  if elderly people are helpless, then they are not productive members of our economy; (3) if Arab men are violent, then our military institutions have to keep them under control—and/or about/through aspects of our culture—An example of culture: (1) women often are portrayed as hypersexual if they dress a certain way. Because of this, if a woman claims she was raped, we will doubt her because she probably “asked for it.”
?    I realize that some of these connections will be more obvious than others. If you want, you canconcentrate on ONE institution (e.g., Religion) or aspect of our culture (e.g., language) and revolve all of your media samples around that, but you do not have to focus on just one.

3.    To identify concepts, main points, and/or illustrative arguments from your readings that are relevant to the points you are making. You must refer to AT LEAST 1 READING, LECTURE or Video for EACH media example you provide.At least  MEDIA SOURCES SHOULD BE RESPRESENTATIVES OF THE NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE STEREOTYPES USED TO LABEL THE COMMUNITY-
You can easily find the video on YouTube. It’s called ‘race the power of illusion(part 1, 2, 3)’.

Tasks to fulfill the preceding objectives:

1.    You will collect evidence of these representations and create an annotated portfolio with five (5)examples from different media sources—advertisements, magazine and newspaper articles, comic strips, books, TV commercials or programs, movies, song lyrics, websites, etc. All examples must be included in the media portfolio.

a.    Three (3) media examples must come from different sources, while two (2) media examples can come from the same source (but doesn’t have to).
b.    For example, correct combinations:
i.    One TV commercial, one song lyric,  one comic strip, one advertisement, and one book/or you tube video/clip
ii.    One TV commercial, one song lyric,  one comic strip, and two advertisements
iii.    Two TV commercials, two comic strips, and one song lyric
iv.    Etc.
c.    For example, incorrect combinations:
i.    One TV commercial, one song lyric, three advertisements
ii.    Five TV commercials
iii.    Etc.

2.    Find AT LEAST TWOacademic, scholarly, peer-reviewed, empirical articles that are related to your chosen community. ONE ACADEMIC SOURCE CAN BE THE TEXTBOOK
a.    Visit library webpagesand search their databases or GoogleScholar for articles (
b.    For example, one approach it this way:
i.    Using GoogleScholar, type in my community (e.g. Indigenous Hawaiians stereotypes)
ii.    Look through the articles to find an article that discusses my community
i.    Using one of the databases, type in my community (e.g. Indigenous Hawaiians stereotypes) as a keyword, subject, etc.
ii.    Go to Advanced Search
iii.    Click on the peer-reviewed articles only option
iv.    Look through the articles to find one that discusses my community

3.    Describe the underlying message of each of the 5 media representations you collected. Then, connect this message to at least TWOacademic, scholarly, peer-reviewed, empirical articles. This should be at least a paragraph – preferable two in length (roughly 6-8 sentences).

a.    What is the stereotype depicted? Describe- and provide either the image, article (can be copied and pasted into document) or link to website

b.    What is it saying/showing about the community-how media representations function to maintain inequality on the basis of categories of difference (i.e., race and ethnicity, social class, sex and gender, sexuality, religion and belief systems, or ability)?

c.    How does this relate to – INSTITUTIONS AND TO each of how your TWOacademic, scholarly, peer-reviewed, empirical articleshave discussed about your community?

4.    You MUST provide TWO in-text citations for each media example from your academic sources. Thus, you will have 10 in-text citations in total across the 5 media examples (2 each), and these 10 in-text citations can come from the 2 academic sources that you chose; you need to use different parts of the academic sources.
a.    Do not reference, Huffington Post, New York Times, etc. These do not count as academic, scholarly, peer-reviewed, empirical article references.
b.    For example: Nardi (2004) said… or Waters (2004) argues…

5.    You must provide a citation for your media source and a reference list for your articles below each media representation.
a.    For example:
Media Source
Excerpt from script of the film Crash (2005). Available from
References – APA style
Nardi, P. (2004). Changing gay and lesbian images in the media.In T. Ore (Ed.) …
Waters, M. (2004). Optional ethnicities: For Whites Only? In T. Ore (Ed.) …

6.    Follow APA format for in-text citations and reference list:
a.    Cover sheet is not necessary
b.    If you don’t have in-text citations, it can count as plagiarism. You must have in-text citations for each of your articles.

7.    Submit your media portfolio online. However, if you have a hard copy of certain media examples, you may submit in person. Contact your TA first.

Need help with APA-style citations?
Visit the following websites:

1.    For a smorgasbord of reference types, from magazine articles to newspapers to books, go to

2.    To view the appropriate way to cite internet articles, go to I’m pretty sure most of what you will find will fit into either the 3rd, 4th, or 5th categories listed.

What will your media portfolio look like? Here’s an example of one media representation:

This is an example of how African Americans are represented as family-oriented. This family-oriented stereotype depicts African Americans as caregivers, particularly when children are present within the family. As Waters (2004) argues, African Americans… This is similar to a point made by Nardi (2004), who found that African Americans…

Media source:
Microsoft Clipart, in Microsoft Word 2003

Nardi, P. (2004). Changing gay and lesbian images in the media.In T. Ore (Ed.)…
Waters, M. (2004). Optional ethnicities: For Whites Only? In T. Ore (Ed.) …