(RAST) Sprint Anaerobic test

Order Description

1. Provide answers to the following

a. Purpose

b. Objective

c. Equipment

d. Instructions

e. Scoring

2. What population does this particular test apply to the most? (Youth, Adult, Elderly, Athletes)

3. After you decide which one of the above four populations it directly applies to, try to use it for the other three populations. Would there be any revisions/modifications/adaptations you should consider before applying that same test to those three populations? Discuss any differences/similarities between genders.

4. Do you believe that this test is an accurate and reliable test? Is it a good representation of Measurement and Evaluation of Human Performance? Why or why not?

5. Compare it to another fitness test and address any advantages/disadvantages.

6. Provide tables, figures, diagrams as they may apply.

7. References – a) your textbook, b) minimum of one scientific peer reviewed research article, and c) a minimum of any other non-scientific source such as a magazine, another textbook, or video.

8. Conclusion.