
Starvation (genetically modified)


            Back in 1968, Paul Ehrich pointed out in his book that mass starvation was inevitable due to the escalating population growth. He claimed that it was too late to take appropriate action to minimize the hundreds of millions of hunger-related deaths which were taking place in developing countries. He claimed that nothing could be done to end all those people dying from hunger because there were too many people to feed. However, his argument was refuted both factually and morally by Norman Borlaug. Just like Ehrlich, Borlaug was concerned by the rapid population growth, but instead of making prophecies about mass death, he maintained the best intervention to stop people from starving would be helping them to produce more food. Biotechnology companies maintain that genetically engineered seeds are the only solution to ending world hunger and protecting the environment (Teitel & Wilson, 2001).

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