Questions about “American history after the civil war”

Use following resource to answers 23 questions. Each question should be 2/3 page. Totally, 16 pages.

TEXT: Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History. Volume Two, Seagull Edition

Declaration of Independence (Foner, A9 ff)
Reconstruction Amendments (13, 14, 15) (Foner, A9 ff)
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
Ted Gup, A Secret Gift
Arthur Miller, Focus
Martin Luther King, Jr., Why We Can?t Wait
Seuss, Dr. The Sneetches; The Lorax; The Butter Battle

?The Grapes of Wrath?
?Guess Who?s Coming to Dinner?
?Casualties of War?
?Do The Right Thing?

Reconstruction and the Expansion of American Civilization, 1865-1890

1. What kinds of resistance to the Reconstruction Amendments did white southerners put forward, and what responses came from the North and the federal government? (2. Compare and contrast the kinds of resistance to the Reconstruction Amendments put forward by white southerners and the responses by the federal government.)
2. How do the related events of the Election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 bring about the end of Reconstruction? (3. Examine how the related events of the Election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 brought about the end of Reconstruction.)
3. How was the United States transformed economically and socially in this period? (5. Evaluate how the United States transformed politically, economically and socially in this period (1877-1900).)
4. How was American freedom transformed, and to whom did it extend? (6. Explain how American freedom was transformed and to whom it extended.)

America’s Appearance on the World Stage, 1890-1918

5. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson, Progressives all, invite either federal government involvement (positive) or intrusion (negative) in the lives of ordinary citizens. What pieces of legislation point to such government action? (2. Analyze how Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson, Progressives all, invited either federal government involvement (positive) or intrusion (negative) in the lives of ordinary citizens, citing pieces of legislation which point to such government action.)
6. What led Jane Addams to devote her life to the plight of European immigrants adrift in early 20th century Chicago?
7. When the Guns of August, 1914 erupted across Europe, President Wilson urged Americans to remain ?neutral in thought, word and deed.? In 1916 his campaign appeal was ?He kept us out of war.? Within a month of his inauguration he appeared before Congress asking for a Declaration of War against Germany. What events brought about this change?

The Interwar Years, 1918-1941

8. In what ways do the arrests, trial, convictions and execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti indicate a retreat from both the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the goals of the Progressive Movement?
9. Is it safe to conclude that the unbalanced economy of the 1920s led to a severe economic slowdown in the mid-1920s, which caused the stock market crash of 1929? Phrased another way, did the Depression cause the stock market crash, which is the popular belief, or was the stock market crash a result of economic imbalance evident through the 1920s?
10. How do FDR?s nomination, election and presidency address the problems of the Great Depression, and how successful were they?
11. Based on the film, ?The Grapes of Wrath,? in what ways did the New Deal fail to help the Joads and in what ways did it alleviate their distress?
12. As written in Arthur Miller’s novel, Focus, in what ways does Lawrence Newman struggle with discrimination against Jews in general and the Jewish shopkeeper on the corner specifcally?

America’s Rise to World Leadership, 1941-1968

13. What is the relationship between America’s decision to use atomic weapons against Japan and America’s entry into World War II?
14. How do the post war prosperity, the baby boom, and the rapid expansion of suburbia shape American society after 1945?
15. If Plessy v Ferguson (1896) provides the legal framework for de jure segregation, how does Brown v Board of Education (1954) undermine both de jure and de facto segregation?
16. What is King?s reasoning for no longer being able, or willing, to ?wait??
17. What sort of society do Dr. Prentice and Joey Drayton occupy, and how does it illustrate race relations at the conclusion of the Civil Rights Era?

Modern America, 1968-present

18. Which and how many of the characters in ?Casualties of War? might be represented in the title of the movie?
19. What, according to Spike Lee, is ?the right thing?? In responding to this question, please be sure to consider the activities of all the characters in arriving at your answer. (Identify what Spike Lee means as ?the right thing,? considering the activities of all the characters in the movie.)
20. In what ways is it correct to assess the presidencies of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon as tragic successes?
21. How do you respond to the proposition that both Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are victims of political posturing rather than legitimately accused of ?high crimes and misdemeanors??
22. What themes does Dr. Seuss present in the books used for this class and how do they relate to post World War II America?
23. Based on Foner, the supplemental readings and the movies, how has the concept of liberty changed and expanded since 1865?