John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy was among the youngest elected presidents in the USA besides being the youngest president to die. In 1963, he was killed by an assassin’s bullet in Texas. This paper aims to outline the life of the thirty fifth US president and more particularly, his influence to US before his demise.

On the twenty ninth day of May, 1917, Kennedy was born from an Irish society that had immigrated to America in the 19th Century. He was from a wealthy family since his father was an aggressive businessman who later became one of the US’s multibillionaire. In fact, he was the second born child in Joseph P. Kennedy’s family. He was sickly as a child and continued to have health problems the rest of his life. He attended private schools his whole life including the famous preparatory school, Choate, and later, attended Princeton University and to the Harvard University majoring in political science where he graduated in the year 1941. In the same year he joined the US Navy but was later discharged in 1945 (Beschloss).
In 1946, the thirty fifth president of the US ran successfully for a Boston-based seat in the US House of Representatives and was reelected in 1948 and 1950. During this time, he advocated for socialism that was highly advantageous to the Boston people. In line with this, he strongly criticized racism against the Chinese people who were living in Boston. In 1953, he was married to Jacqueline Bouvier and got three children namely; Caroline, John Fitzgerald and yet another child who died in year 1963.
In the year 1960, Kennedy was amongst the Democratic aspirants for the presidential seat. Despite a narrow margin, he won the election. He was killed on his way to Texas where he was shot in the head and died instantly (Adams).
Historically, John Kennedy was an important figure for his iconic reputation. As a result, most of her speeches were regularly quoted that were highly influential and inspiring. In addition, he had a lot of vigor in his youthful stage besides his moral leadership as a president (Kelly).
Important Events in Kennedy’s Life and his Legacy
John F.Kennedy had a number of accomplishments before his demise as a US president. In the first place, he amended the domestic policy including, increased minimum wage, better social security benefits as well as an urban renewal package. Consequently, he enhanced peace across the United States of America in the early 1960s.
Secondly, the thirty fifth US presidents had devised a foreign policy which adamantly failed in the year 1961. During this time, a Cuban force wanted to attack the United States of America but Kennedy ordered the Cuba’s force not to attack. He lamented that any attacks from Cuba, would be seen as an attack from the Soviet Union. In line with this, the US promised that it would not attack Cuba. As a result of this, Kennedy banned the Nuclear Test treaty in 1963 with Britain and the Soviet Union (Kelly).
Another important event in Kennedy’s term as a president was that he increased aid to Latin America. Apart from providing aid to Latin America, Kennedy ensured that peace was amplified in Latin America by increasing the military advisors at a desirable rate.
John F. Kennedy’s Legacy
Kennedy took office in one of the most disturbing times in American history. This was the time when the cold war was at its climax and both the US and the USSR were threatening to invade each other. At the same time, the number of black Americans was on the rise and they were greatly segregated from the whites. As a result, Kennedy advocated for elimination of racial discrimination in the US at the time and many citizens were for this. In line with this, he advocated for peace among the Americans during his term as a president. In addition, Kennedy aimed to foster democracy within America as well as with other countries. Indeed, he was the prince of American politics and radically tried as much as possible to transform the political system in the country. Up to date, he is still remembered by most Americans as well as most communities in the world (n.a).

From the above deliberations, it is crystal clear that, John Kennedy transformed the USA to a great extent. As highlighted above, he was amongst the youngest elected presidents in American History. Despite age, he was able to radically transform the politics in the country. Indeed, he took office at the time when there was rampant turbulence in America but was able to foster peace in the country despite this. Consequently, he enhanced social equality among Americans by advocating for the elimination of racial discrimination in the country. Besides, he fostered democracy in the country as well as with other countries. In summary, Kennedy was a prince of American politics and significantly transformed the political system in the country. He was viewed as a very important icon in American history.

Work Cited
Adams. The Kennedy Assination. 12 7 2009. 24 05 2012. Web.
Beschloss, Michael. The Presidents of the United States of America. The White House Historical Association Journal (2009): 1-4. Print.
Kelly, Martin. John F. Kennedy- 35th President of the United States. American History (2012): 1-6. web.
n.a. Legacy. American Experience (2010): 1-4. web.