Socio-Economic Status & Health AT3

1) Only choose 1 topic: Single parent Australian families or Migrant adults in Australia
2) Need to use subheadings.
3) No more than 1500 words.
1) Topic choices include (only choose 1 topic):
– Single parent Australian families
– Migrant adults in Australia

2) Need to include in the report:
– Introduction

– A discussion of why the topic is important: This part extends on the introduction to define the group/family type, their SES and why this particular topic is important
(i.e. why is the SES and health of children and parents in single parent families important? Why is the SES and health of migrant adults important?).

– An exploration of the factors impacting the topic SES drawing on a model of theoretical framework that we have covered in the unit (i.e. Dahlgren and Whitehead, or Christensen). You only need to draw on one model so that you are able to discuss it in enough detail. You may not be able to go into great detail about each section of the model but you need to provide a thorough analysis of your topic in respect to the model and the impacts on the SES.

– A critical analysis of the health implications of SES for this topic: This is where the current knowledge is summarised, including data and research (i.e. journals, ABS data, AIHW data/research etc.). Remember that you are discussing these topics/family types within the Australian context so your information/resources should reflect this.

– Conclusion

– Reference list
3) All sources need to relate to Australia and should be published between 2006 and 2016.
4) Need to use subheadings.
5) No more than 1500 words.

Socio-Economic Status & Health
Assessment Task 3 ? Report

1500 words, 40%

This assessment requires students to write a report on links between SES, health and their chosen topic in the Australian context.
Topic choices include (only choose 1 topic):
– Single parent Australian families
– Migrant adults in Australia
This report will involve students outlining the topic and its importance, an exploration of the factors impacting the SES of your chosen topic drawing on a theoretical model, and critically analysing the health implications of SES for the selected topic. In order to write the report, students will need to draw on a range of relevant information and be able to critically synthesize the information.

What do I have to do?
Prepare a 1500 word report on a topic (choice of two above).
Do I have to pick from the list of topics?
Yes you will need to pick one topic from the two options as this relates back to the content for this unit. The discussion must be specific to the Australian context as per the marking guide.
What do I need to include in my report?
– Introduction
– A discussion of why the topic is important: This part extends on the introduction to define the group/family type, their SES and why this particular topic is important (i.e. why is the SES and health of children and parents in single parent families important? Why is the SES and health of migrant adults important?).
– An exploration of the factors impacting the topic SES drawing on a model of theoretical framework that we have covered in the unit (i.e. Dahlgren and Whitehead, or Christensen). You only need to draw on one model so that you are able to discuss it in enough detail. You may not be able to go into great detail about each section of the model but you need to provide a thorough analysis of your topic in respect to the model and the impacts on the SES.
– A critical analysis of the health implications of SES for this topic: This is where the current knowledge is summarised, including data and research (i.e. journals, ABS data, AIHW data/research etc.). Remember that you are discussing these topics/family types within the Australian context so your information/resources should reflect this.
– Conclusion
– Reference list

Should I use subheadings?
Yes subheadings are appropriate for this type of report.
How many references do I need?
As per the marking guide, in order to receive a HD for this category you need to include 15 or more credible, relevant and current sources. It is really important that you are drawing from a range of sources including journals, books, reports and government websites (lecture notes are NOT an appropriate source). To ensure that your references/sources are current they should be published between 2006 and 2016. For this assignment you need to use Harvard style referencing. In-text citations are included in word count, your reference list is not included in the word count.
What are the presentation requirements?
All assignments should be 12 point font and 1.5 spaced with the default page margins. Assignments also need to include the word count and page numbers. You will be marked on these in the writing and referencing criteria.

HSH207 Assignment 3 – Report Marking and Feedback Guide

Criterion Very High High Medium Low Not Satisfactory
Appropriate range of relevant information used
-Information is from a good range of journals, books and reports and is appropriate for the topic
-Uses more than 15 appropriate sources
-All sources of information are credible and published between 2006-2016
-All information relates specifically to the Australian context -Information is from a range of relevant journals, books and reports and is appropriate for the topic
-Uses 13-15 appropriate sources
-Almost all sources of information are credible and published between 2006-2016-Information mostly relates to the Australian context -Information is generally from a range of relevant journals, books and reports and is generally appropriate for the topic
-Uses 10-12 appropriate sources
-Most sources of information are credible and generally published between 2006-2016
-Information generally relates to the Australian context -Information is generally from a limited range of relevant sources and in most cases in inappropriate for the topic.
-Uses 7-9 appropriate sources
-Few sources of information are credible and published between 2006-2016.
-Information occasionally relates specifically to the Australian context -All sources of information are from a very limited range and are inappropriate for the topic.
-Uses less than 6 appropriate sources
-No sources of information are credible and information is not published recently
-Information does not relate specifically to the Australian context
Marks = 10 8-10 7 6 5 0-4
Ability to synthesize information
Discussion demonstrates evidence of a very high level of understanding, critical analysis and synthesis of the information Discussion demonstrates evidence of a high level of understanding, critical analysis and synthesis of the information Discussion demonstrates evidence of a medium level of understanding, critical analysis and synthesis of the information Discussion at times demonstrates only a limited level of understanding, critical analysis and synthesis of the information Discussion demonstrates evidence of a poor level of understanding, critical analysis and synthesis of the information
Marks = 10 8-10 7 6 5 0-4
Provides a discussion of why this particular topic is important
Discussion is of a very high standard which effectively explains why the topic is important Discussion is of a high standard which effectively explains why the topic is important Discussion is of a medium standard which generally explains why the topic is important Discussion is satisfactory but fails to effectively explain why the topic is important Discussion does not address why this is an important topic
Marks = 10 8-10 7 6 5 0-4
Exploration of the factors impacting the SES of the topic drawing on a model that we have covered in the unit (i.e. Dahlgren and Whitehead or Christensen). Thorough and critical analysis of the factors impacting the SES of the topic drawing on an appropriate model for the topic Good analysis of the factors impacting the SES of the topic drawing on an appropriate model for the topic Some analysis of the factors impacting the SES of the topic, greater links back to the appropriate model for the topic was needed Weak analysis of the factors impacting the SES of the topic, little discussion of the model for the topic for this discussion Minimal analysis of the factors impacting the SES of the topic, no discussion of the model for the topic for this discussion
Marks = 30 24-30 21-23 18-20 15-17 0-14
Critically analyses the health implications of SES for the chosen group
Thorough and critical analysis of the health implications influenced by the group?s SES Good analysis of the health implications influenced by the group?s SES Some analysis of the health implications of the group?s SES, but lacks thorough critical analysis Weak analysis and poor identification of the health implications of the group?s SES Minimal analysis and identification of the health implications of the group?s SES.
Marks = 30 24-30 21-23 18-20 15-17 0-14
Professionalism of writing and referencing
-Excellent standard of presentation; no mistakes in spelling, punctuation or grammar; language clearly and effectively communicates ideas
– Excellent referencing with no mistakes
-Meets all presentation requirements (spacing, font, page numbers and word count) -Generally very good standard of presentation; some occasional, minor errors that do not detract from meaning; language generally communicates ideas
– Very good referencing with minimal errors
– Meets most of the presentation requirements (spacing, font, page numbers and word count) -Generally good standard of presentation; some errors; communication faults which leads to lack of clarity in parts
– Generally good referencing with some errors
– Meets some of the presentation requirements (spacing, font, page numbers and word count) -A fair attempt but some problems with the standard of presentation (spelling, punctuation, grammar); multiple errors which detract from the communication of ideas
– Multiple errors in referencing, including under-referencing of sources
– Lacking presentation requirements (spacing, font, page numbers and word count) -Work contains frequent, serious errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar
– Substantial problems with referencing, including substantial ender-referencing of sources
– No presentation requirements met.
Marks = 10 8-10 7 6 5 0-4

Overall Mark /100