Application of Sociological Theories of crime

Paper details:
The paper should be at least one page in length the and use careful application of Sociological theories of the
to the bellow scenario.
A nineteen year old with seven previous assault charges is charged after an argument with his probation officer
escalated, r??????esulting in an altercation with the officer. The argument began when the probation officer
misused a slang word that the offender took as an insult.
For one of the above scenarios, address the following:
? Identify which sociological theories (one from Chapter 4 and one from Chapter 5) best capture the line of
thinking/motives of the offender, and explain your rationale.
? Explain to your offender one limitation of their line of thinking (i.e. One point you would argue to show them
that their theoretical approach might be flawed.)
? Finally, anticipate how the offender, based on theoretical perspective, would reply to your attempts to
rehabilitate his behavior.

Chapter 5: Public Opinion:
o is a nonpartisant source on current trends in public opinion:
o Real Clear Politics is a source for comparing polling results from several sources.
It also aggregates the result from election polls:
Chapter 6: The Media:
If you choose to cover this chapter, you must visit a non-traditional mainstream media
source and identify whether it leans to the left or the right; or whether the site
represents academic viewpoints that are non-partisan (neither left nor right leanings).
o Drudge Report: mpzflwwwdrudgflportcom
o Huffington Post: mpzflwwwhuffingto-npostcom
o The National Review: mp:_//
o Salon: mpJ/wwwsaloncom
o Truth Out: mpzflwwwtruthoutorg
o The Monkey Cage: mp://www.themonkeyc_age._org
Chapter 7: Political Parties, Participation, and Elections:
To find out information on the next election, register to vote; and/or to learn whether
your state allows you to vote through an absentee ballot contact the following web-site:
o League of Women Voters: mp://
o Project Vote Smart provides information on elections, candidates; and elected
officials : mpzflwwwvotesmartorg
Chapter 8: Interest Groups:
o Washington State University at Vancouver provides the most comprehensive list
of interest groups and lobbyist: mil/