Wine contract

[your student number/section number]_x000D_
• This contract dated October 3, 2014_x000D_
• Between:_x000D_
• Joe Coffeelover (the “Buyer”)_x000D_
• And:_x000D_
• Tim Hortons Corporation of Canada (the “Seller”)_x000D_
• (collectively referred to as the “Parties”)_x000D_
• Whereas:_x000D_
• A. The buyer wishes to buy a cup of coffee on the specifications outlined in this agreement (the “Coffee”)_x000D_
• B. The Seller wishes to sell a cup of Coffee_x000D_
• C. The Parties wish to outline their respective rights and obligations._x000D_
In consideration of the mutual promises contained in this agreement the Parties agree as follows:_x000D_
1. Sellers Obligations_x000D_
a) The seller agrees to provide one (1) cup of coffee on the following specifications:_x000D_
i) container size: 325 milliliters (“ml”) plus or minus 20 ml._x000D_
ii) composition: wax lined cardboard cylindrical container reasonably fit for the purpose of containing a hot beverage._x000D_
iii) contents: not less than 300 ml. of “Fresh Brewed” (meaning coffee brewed with hot water consisting entirely of roasted Arabica coffee beans that have been brewed not more than 20 minutes of the placing of the order by the Buyer in accordance with the terms of this agreement and having a temperature of not less than ninety (90) degrees Celsius and not more than ninety-eight (98) degrees Celsius)_x000D_
iv) customization: The Buyer shall, at the buyers sole option be provided with the following ingredients in such amounts as may be reasonably specified by the Buyer at the time of order, which ingredients shall be provided at no additional cost to the Buyer._x000D_
1. Dairy based table cream_x000D_
2. Non dairy based whitener_x000D_
3. Sugar_x000D_
4. Sugar substitute_x000D_
5. Plastic lid with a partially detachable cover_x000D_
6. Plastic stir stick with a length not less than the depth of the coffee container._x000D_
v) Delivery: The Coffee shall be delivered to the counter of the Seller’s place of business within five (5) minutes of the placing of the order by the Buyer. All further transport of the Fresh Brewed coffee shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the Buyer. Upon delivery, the Seller warrants and agrees that in normal handling circumstances the coffee will remain Fresh Brewed for a period of not less than five (5) minutes from the time of delivery. In the event that the Fresh Brewed coffee is not delivered within five (5) minutes of the placing of the order, the Buyer may rescind this agreement and no further remedy shall be available to the Buyer or the Seller._x000D_
2. Buyers Obligations_x000D_
a) Payment: The Buyer agrees to pay the Seller one dollar and eighty five cents ($1.85) of the lawful money of Canada in exchange for the Coffee._x000D_
b) Payment Method: The Seller agrees to accept the following methods of payment:_x000D_
i) Cash in denominations of not more than twenty ($20.00) dollars;_x000D_
ii) Debit card from a Canadian bank, credit union or trust company;or_x000D_
iii) a recognized credit card bearing either a “Visa” or “Mastercard” brand issued by a Canadian bank, credit union or trust company._x000D_
c) Conduct of the Buyer: The Buyer agrees that he/she will:_x000D_
i) Conduct him/herself in a respectful manner and recognize that Coffee will be provided on a first come first serve basis._x000D_
ii) Upon being recognized by representatives of the Seller the Buyer will place his/her order for the Coffee in a reasonably prompt manner._x000D_
iii) Upon delivery of the Coffee the Buyer will vacate the counter area of the Seller in a prompt and businesslike fashion to make way for other customers of the Seller._x000D_
iv) Not do or state anything that might reasonably be inferred as a nuisance to the business of the Seller and if the representative of the Seller, acting reasonably but in the interests of the Seller, determines that the Buyer is conducting him or herself in such a fashion as to cause a nuisance to the Seller or its other customers, then such representative shall have the right to inform the Buyer that he/she has become a trespasser on the premises of the Seller and the Buyer shall be required, immediately, to leave the premises of the Seller._x000D_
In witness to the terms and conditions contained within this agreement, the Buyer and the Seller have signed this agreement in the space indicated below on the ____ day of October, 2014 at _____ am/pm._x000D_
Joe Coffeelover_x000D_
The Tim Horton’s Corporation by its_x000D_
Authorized Signatory(ies)_x000D_
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