Identify and critically evaluate a quantitative research article based on a social science topic. Your_x000D_
selected article must include a research question(s) and/or hypothesis(es) and utilize statistical analyses_x000D_
covered in the course. The article must be peer-reviewed and published within the last 10 years._x000D_
In the body of your critique, describe the statistical approaches used, the variables included, the_x000D_
hypothesis(es) proposed, and the interpretation of the results. In your conclusion, suggest other statistical_x000D_
approaches that could have been used and, if appropriate, suggest alternative interpretations of the_x000D_
results. This process will allow you to apply the concepts learned throughout the course in the_x000D_
interpretation of actual scientific research. Your critique must include the following sections:_x000D_
1. Introduction: This section will include a general introduction of the quantitative study from a_x000D_
peer-reviewed source published within the last 10 years. The research questions and/or hypothesis(es) as_x000D_
well as the purpose of the study should be clearly defined._x000D_
2. Methods: Describe and evaluate the procedures and methods of data collection, measures/instruments_x000D_
used, the participants and how they were selected, and the statistical techniques used._x000D_
3. Results: In this section describe and critique the results presented in the study._x000D_
4. Discussion: Discuss and evaluate the efficacy of the results presented in the study. Address, the_x000D_
strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study, and suggest future research directions. Include_x000D_
additional forms of statistical analyses as part of the suggestions for future research._x000D_
The Research Study Critique:_x000D_
1. Must be formatted according to APA style. Use 12-point font, with 1-inch margins._x000D_
2. Must use the sections and headings described above._x000D_
3. Must address the article with critical thought by examining, reflecting, and evaluating the article from an objective viewpoint and by using facts to support your argument. Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your critical evaluation._x000D_
4. Must use one quantitative research study from a peer-reviewed source that was published within the last 10 years._x000D_
5. Must properly cite the source article in APA style._x000D_
6. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style_x000D_
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