Medically Assisted Death(euthanasia)

Medically Assisted Death:_x000D_
•Look at the strict limitations on having access to medically assisted death in the Quebec_x000D_
legislation, Bill 52, An Act respecting end-of-life care._x000D_
•Explain why you think medically assisted death ought to be or ought not to be available to_x000D_
all Canadians under these conditions. Focus on the relevant ethical arguments_x000D_
•Make a justified decision using a Nursing Ethical Decision Making model, and also integrate_x000D_
ethical theories and principles_x000D_
•For Nursing Ethics refer to (
/code-of-ethics-for-registered-nurses.pdf?la=en) , Text Book (Concept and cases in Nursing_x000D_
Ethics 3rd edition by Michael Yeo, Anne Moorhouse , Pamela Khan, and Patricia Rodney)_x000D_
Essay/ Scholarly Paper Guidelines_x000D_
Have an introduction, Present a thesis and support your position through ethical decision-_x000D_
making. Recommend, write in first person, explain organization of essay, and develop ideas,_x000D_
have a conclusion_x000D_
Writing style and Format:_x000D_
•Clear and succinct with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and referencing._x000D_
•Maximum 5 pages in length, double spaced, Will require a minimum of five academic_x000D_
references, Correct use of APA 6th edition._x000D_
•Excellent use of the literature, and draws on a wide range of current and/or relevant sources_x000D_
that serve as the foundation of arguments/proposals._x000D_
•Well organized, linkages evident, and logical conclusions/proposals._x000D_
•Consistently strong in respect to structure, expression, mechanics (grammar, punctuation,_x000D_
proper use of nursing terms and spelling), and presentation._x000D_
•Contains original and credible argument_x000D_
•Thorough, in depth knowledge of concepts, theory, nursing practice and Excellent_x000D_
comprehension of the subject_x000D_
•Excellent level of critical analysis._x000D_
•Academic writing errors are rare and do not detract from the author communication his/her_x000D_
mastery of the topic._x000D_
Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an amazing discount._x000D_