Journal Entry

In his chapter on patience, Shantideva states:_x000D_
Because the mind i bodiless_x000D_
It cannot be destroyed by anyone_x000D_
Because of mind’s attachment to the body_x000D_
This body is oppressed by pain._x000D_
Based on the verse above and what you already know about Shantideva’s view on the path to enlightenment, describe how Shantideva understands the relationship between body and mind and how such an awareness of the relationship helps bodhisattvas to develop the practice of patience with respect to other sentient beings. Then reflects on whether your own experience of the connection between mind and body is similar to, or different from Shantideve’s view of the_x000D_
In his chapter on patience, Shantideva states:_x000D_
Because the mind i bodiless_x000D_
It cannot be destroyed by anyone_x000D_
Because of mind’s attachment to the body_x000D_
This body is oppressed by pain._x000D_
Based on the verse above and what you already know about Shantideva’s view on the path to enlightenment, describe how Shantideva understands the relationship between body and mind and how such an awareness of the relationship helps bodhisattvas to develop the practice of patience with respect to other sentient beings. Then reflects on whether your own experience of the connection between mind and body is similar to, or different from Shantideve’s view of the relationship between the two, and why or why not._x000D_
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