Global Managerial Economics

Thus, the assignment that I want you to do is as follows:_x000D_
In your quest to understand how your employees would be affected by any of the decisions that you are going to make, you also realize that your labor costs may not be the real source of your balance sheet problems. After all, you are manufacturing in a region that attracts many immigrants, which because of an increase in the labor pool actually keeps your labor costs relatively low. This sparked the question about why Americans continue to be concerned about immigration policy and what the debate is about. You want to know more._x000D_
Explain the following in 2-4 pages (whatever is necessary to adequately cover these topics):_x000D_
What effect does immigration have on wages?_x000D_
Does immigration help or hurt a country’s output?_x000D_
What are the advantages of immigration?_x000D_
What are the disadvantages of immigration?_x000D_
What are some of the current political and economic issues regarding immigration?_x000D_
What is the debate surrounding the Dream Act?_x000D_
Be sure to properly cite all reference articles you use for your paper. You MUST use at least two (2) scholarly references for your article, though I would like to see more. Remember, this is a 200 point assignment._x000D_
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