Argumentitive Essay

I agree many employees fear performance evaluations, even when the employee has consistent_x000D_
performance. According to a recent entrepreneur article, there are ways of improving employee_x000D_
perception of performance evaluations. The first step is to prepare employees for the evaluation. This can_x000D_
be accomplished through regular less-formal reviews. The second suggestion lies in the evaluation used. If_x000D_
employees view each past and future evaluation without identifying self-improvements, the evaluation_x000D_
loses its value. Organizations need to consider revising the evaluation with new or relevant metrics for_x000D_
measurement. The article titles the third topic as “Confrontation vs. conversation”. The third reason_x000D_
employees fear performance appraisals is due to how the evaluation is conducted. Many employees feel_x000D_
appraises are lectures regarding oneself. The article suggests instead, raters/appraisers should conduct_x000D_
the evaluation as a conversation, with two-way communication. In the past, I have faced performance_x000D_
with little knowledge is given beforehand, and thus I question my own performance. I would suggest more_x000D_
organizations follow the suggestions in this article to ease employees and improve overall performance._x000D_
2- There are many long-term consequences to exporting jobs to other markets. The first is the future loss_x000D_
of a product or service. When jobs are cut and employees locally are laid off, the opportunity for the_x000D_
employee to purchase products or services cease. “It found that 34 percent of the companies it surveyed_x000D_
with operations offshore didn’t earn the savings they expected.” (Entrepreneur) With the export of jobs_x000D_
comes the export of money. If an organization is paying employees in cheaper labor markets, the money_x000D_
does not have the opportunity to return to the organizations home country. This hurts both the local_x000D_
economy and the organization which exported the jobs. As time progresses, the costs in cheaper labor_x000D_
markets will raise, especially with tech jobs. “”Sure, your labor costs may have gone way down, but what_x000D_
did you spend on communication costs? What about transportation costs? Flying your staff over to consult_x000D_
and flying the consultants back to train your staff — those bills could be outrageous.” (Biz_x000D_
journals) These are three long-term consequence of export job/work to nations with cheaper labor_x000D_
Respond for each one of the answer what do you think do you agree or disagree and why?_x000D_
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