Organizational Culture







Papers must be written in APA format with at least 5 references (peer reviewed academic journals articles preferred.) 50 points will be deducted for not using proper APA format._x000D_
Must have at least THREE academic journal references). No google or web reference or web pages._x000D_
Use Third Person Academic Style (facts not opinions) – NO “I”_x000D_
No bulleted lists or numerical lists – refer to APA manual for further information_x000D_
Final paper must include Cover page, Abstract, 4 pages of content and references. Paper must be properly cited and formatted._x000D_
Abstract – an abstract is a one paragraph overview of the entire paper_x000D_
Thesis statement – most critical question of the paper – why are you researching this topic? How does the information serve current business managers? What information needs to be observed and recorded? What are the theoretical implications? Historical academic literature review – what is known, observed, recorded Current research – what research is currently being conducted Conflicting research – major areas of conflicting knowledge Application for practitioners or managers working in the field – explore how the existing research can be applied in a practical business application. Has the research answered theoretical questions and advanced the body of knowledge available for academic and professional use?_x000D_
For Conclusion_x000D_
Future Research themes – what needs to be further researched_x000D_
Emerging areas for research – what is next, another variable to explore, possible gender differences, age difference, technology difference, global or cultural differences Issues or challenges with existing research_x000D_
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