
To assess your ability to:_x000D_
discuss the existence and function of ritual and stereotype in contemporary American popular culture_x000D_
recognize stereotypes in popular art forms_x000D_
analyze personal stereotypes_x000D_
examine the persistence of historically rooted stereotypes in today’s world_x000D_
Have you ever gasped in shock at an advertisement that blatantly includes stereotypes? There was obviously a creative and economic decision to include this stereotype, so why does it pay to use them? In this assignment, you will consider how and why stereotypes evolve and analyze an example of a ritual or stereotype from your own experience._x000D_
Action Items_x000D_
Explain what your favorite song, movie, toy, game, book, television show, or the Internet site mean to you? Why did it become your favorite?_x000D_
Read the Key Points in this week, your textbook, and other relevant materials regarding stereotypes. Also think about the following questions:_x000D_
What stereotypes are hidden in your selection, implicitly and explicitly?_x000D_
What forces (social, religious, cultural, economic) may have contributed to the emergence of this stereotype?_x000D_
Are those stereotypes a positive or negative entity?_x000D_
Use the questions above to guide your thinking. You are highly encouraged to analyze and reflect your stereotype beyond the guiding questions. Write a 2- to 4- page paper that analyze your thoughts in depth._x000D_
Write a summary paragraph regarding the relevance of society’s affinity with stereotype such as marketing and advertising. How is this affinity leveraged to encourage us to buy products, pursue particular careers, adopt particular lifestyles, etc.? Give examples to illustrate your conclusions._x000D_
Participate in a Meet tool session to discuss your favorite item, questions listed in Action item 3 and item 5, and provide constructive comments to your classmates’ discussions. Your professor will schedule and inform you the dates and times of the Meet tool session._x000D_
Submission Instructions_x000D_
Participate in one Meet tool session scheduled by your professor._x000D_
Revise your paper based on the comments you received from your professor and your classmates. Email your revised paper to your professor by Sunday of this week._x000D_
Grading Rubric_x000D_
Content of paper (The analysis is thorough and thoughtful. The guiding questions are answered well with depth. ): 85 points_x000D_
Description of your favorite item. (10 points)_x000D_
Guiding questions were answered well with depth. (30 points)_x000D_
Analysis of your stereotypes are thorough and thoughtful. (30 points)_x000D_
Reflections after class discussion are incorporated. (15 points)_x000D_
Class Participation : 15 points_x000D_
Actively engaged in class discussion (10 points)_x000D_
Respond and provide comments to your classmates’ discussions (5 points)_x000D_
Quality of Writing (The paper is written clearly with careful attention to grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Up to 15 points will be deducted for grammar, APA, and mechanic errors)