Essay based on academic literature.

For this assignment, you will write an essay based on academic literature. Choose one of the following three questions:_x000D_


  1. Can news be neutral and objective?
  2. _x000D_

Discuss what these concepts entail by drawing on academic literature about how achievable they are. Present examples of how the impression of neutrality and objectivity is maintained in news._x000D_


  1. ‘News is a mirror to reality’.
  2. _x000D_

Agree or disagree with this statement. Base yourself on academic literature regarding representation and issues with news-making._x000D_


  1. Explain how celebrities and tabloids have a symbiotic relationship.
  2. _x000D_

In answering this question, use academic literature to discuss how tabloids and celebrities relate to each other, and paparazzi and invasion of privacy v. freedom of speech._x000D_
Formal requirements:_x000D_


  1. Draw on no less than 6 academic sources.
  2. _x000D_

  3. Use correct, complete and consistent in-text referencing and a bibliography.
  4. _x000D_

  5. Format your essay in Times New Roman 12pt, justified, and double spaced.
  6. _x000D_

  7. Wordcount: 1000 words, meaning minimum 900, and maximum 1100.
  8. _x000D_

  9. Include an introduction and a conclusion, and use subsections to structure your essay.
  10. _x000D_

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