Literature review, Computer sciences and Information technology

Comparison the methods of the œback up in ( Macintosh  Apple and Windows )

Project description

For undergraduate 4th year, Bachelor degree :

Could you please check the requirement briefs as following :

1. Professional Literature Review / Technology Review :

A- You are required to produce a professional literature review “ a written document “

relevant to your chosen research area.

B- Your literature review should be of the order of 2,000 (minimum) to 3,500 (maximum)

words (not including bibliography / references section).

C- Your literature review should include at least eight credible, peer-reviewed sources

(journals, conferences etc). A higher count than eight is strongly encouraged.

D- The document must follow a set structure / template. Download the Word 2003

template for the preparation of LNCS proceeding papers from

E- The literature review should follow a format (Introduction, Body, Analysis, Conclusion,

References) similar to that advised in class.


* You should use methods / techniques including œTerritory Maps and œSpider

Diagrams to brainstorm the topic you are interested in. The outcome should be a

refinement / scoping of the topic to an aspect (sub-section) that is of particular relevance

to you.

* The requirement is to then offer an analysis, critique and synthesis of the established

literature relevant to your chosen area. Your discussion should be articulate, concise and

convincing (using the literature you have consulted to establish your argument).

* This needs to be written in your own words (but professionally articulated), suitably

supported by reference to the literature. It is up to you to ensure that you understand this

requirement; there are no marks for plagiarism.

* Proper referencing to the highest professional standard is thus a basic requirement and



* It is likely that a minimum of 12 “ 15 high quality literary sources will need to be read

in order to deliver on this requirement.


* Word document, correctly formatted. Minimum 2000 words.

2. Research Proposal & Poster:

A- You are required to produce a research proposal “ a written document “ for the research

project based on your literature review.

* Problem Statement: What problem are you trying to solve?

* Relevancy: Why is the problem worth investigating?

* Related Work: How have others attempted to address this problem? (This may be

a summary of or a subsection of your literature review)

* Research Questions: What are the research questions that you plan to address?

* Approach: How are you planning to address your research questions and test

your hypotheses?

* Evaluation plan: How will you measure your success “ faster/more accurate/less


B- In addition you are required to produce a research poster “ a visual document “ based on

the research proposal. Format will be supplied in class.

C- The poster should be a single A4 page and should visually represent the findings of the

paper (Problem Statement, Relevancy, Related Work, Research Questions, Approach,

and Evaluation).


o 2 pages Word document correctly formatted.

o 1 page PowerPoint document correctly formatted.
