Film Case Analysis

p>Group Project: Film Case Analysis (20%)
Teams will identify the major conflicts/problems/issues facing the organization/key
persons in the film and, using the theories and materials covered in the course, analyze
the symptoms and root causes of these conflicts/problems/issues.
The team will provide recommendations designed to resolve these conflicts/problems/issues in
both the short term and the long term. In the 10-12 page (double spaced, 12 point font, 1
inch margins — the page limit does not include the title page, executive summary, and up
to 5 pages of appendices) submission, you are required to use concepts and theories from the
course to help you understand the impact of other concepts you have studied (e.g. analyze
motivation, recruiting strategies, team construction, evaluate the characters’ performances and
the impact on other persons, group(s) or an organization, etc.), and make recommendations to
improve the situation. In particular, you should refer to specific issues or topics outlined in the
course textbook as part of your study. You should report on a few issues in depth, and include
at least 3 academic resources from peer reviewed journals. You should also state clear
problems, recommendations, and how they should be implemented (e.g. “low levels of
commitment/motivation are a problem and remedies should include job enrichment by changing
the following jobs in the following manner…” etc.). DO NOT simply present a review of the
topics or concepts from the textbook or an overview of the movie.
Your assignment must include the following sections:
Guidelines for Film Analysis
Required Sections Guidelines
I. Executive Summary
(5 Marks)
? One to two paragraphs in length
? On cover page of the report
? Briefly summarize the film and identify the major issues under
analysis and proposed solutions: e.g. “In the film Training Day (2001),
L.A.P.D. officer Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington) is assigned to train new
recruit Jake Hoyt (Ethan Hawke). Throughout the day, Alonzo’s “training”
becomes progressively unorthodox and unethical, and the depths of his
corruption are revealed. This film demonstrates how perception, motivation
and satisfaction contribute to Alonso’s unethical behavior and shows potential
flaws in the current system of training new L.A.P.D. recruits and the structure
and culture of the L.A.P.D. in general. Recommendations to remedy these
issues include…”
II. Problem Statement
(18 Marks)
? State the major issues (6 marks) facing the organization/key persons in
the film, (e.g. In Training Day, the LAPD faces issues regarding organizational
socialization, ethical behavior, team cohesiveness, etc.)
? Identify and link the symptoms and root cause of the problems (6
marks) (e.g. abuse of power stemming from a lack of satisfaction with the
work itself, corruption from an inability to reach valued outcomes, team goals
overshadowing organizational goals)
? Differentiate short term from long term problems (6 marks)
III. Causes of the
(24 marks)
? Provide a detailed analysis of the major issues (9 marks) you have
identified in the Problem Statement
? In the analysis, apply theories and models from the text and/or
readings (9 marks)
? Support your conclusions about the causes (6 marks) with specific
references to the film and/or the readings
IV. Decision Criteria and
Alternative Solutions
(22 marks)
? Describe two or three options (8 marks) that could solve the root cause of
the major problems described above
? Describe the decision criteria (8 marks) you used to evaluate the options
(e.g. how much time each option will take to implement, how much will each
option cost, do the people have the necessary skills and resources, will these
options hurt brand image, etc.)
? Evaluate the pros and cons (6 marks) of each option against each decision
criteria. Suggest additional pros/cons if appropriate.
Solution, Implementation
and Justification
(21 marks)
? Describe how they should implement your recommendation (put your
recommendation into action.)
? Identify who, what, when, and how (8 marks) in your recommended plan
of action
? The implementation of your recommendation should solve the problems and
causes identified in the previous section
? The recommended plan should include a contingency plan(s) (5 marks)
to back up the ‘ideal’ course of action
? Theoretically justify your recommendation (8 marks) using concepts
from the textbook or external sources – why it’s the best and why it would
work from a theoretical perspective
VI. Spelling, Grammar
and Presentation
(10 marks)
? Your analysis should be in APA format.
? Be double spaced and the pages should be numbered
? 10 page minimum, 12 page maximum, excluding Title/Exec summary page and
Total 100 possible marks.
Within your analysis you should demonstrate significant insight into what is being asked for in
each section of the assignment.
This includes an accurate interpretation of what is happening related to the root issue as well as
the correct interpretations of the theories or models drawn from course content or external
Consistency between sections will factor into marking as will creativity in and justification for
the recommended solutions.
When applicable, consider using an appendix to save room within your 10-12 page limit. For
example, a table detailing your potential solutions, decision criteria, and pros and cons may be
useful to include. If you choose to use an appendix, be sure to refer to it within your paper,
explain what it is, why it’s applicable and outline the key points it supports.
? Appendices are optional but may be used to supplement and support your
? Have 1inch margins – top bottom left and right
? Use 12 point font size
? Be free of spelling or grammatical errors
? At least three of the sources referenced are from peer-reviewed, academic
? Information presented in the sections are properly referenced.
? Present the executive summary on the first page of the assignment along with
your name (s), student number(s), course section and due date