Human Resources Development

p>you are a newly-appointed HRD manager of a multinational company. To date your company has been rather ad hoc and unstructured in its approach to HRD. Write a comprehensive report to the Board of the subsidiary company of the MNC outlining the rationale for implementing a strategically-integrated HRD system. Identify the main components of such a system and detail the conditions that would facilitate the implementation and maintenance of such a system. This assignment must be completed on an individual basis.

Remark: The incorporation of references from the literature should be a key aspect of this essay and the literature should be used to support all ideas and points put forward throughout your essay. the literature should help to inform you with regard to best pratice in field of HRD and with respect of the different components of a strategically-integrated approach to HRD. any idea, theme, or argument that you have found in the literature and used in your essay must be cited within the text.