Importance of probation and parole

Parole can be simply defined as provisional release from a correctional facility or jail subject to some conditions before the prescribed time. Parole come about as a result of overcrowding in jail facilities and the essence behind it was the rehabilitation of prisoners who had proved to be of good behavior, by giving them a chance to redeem themselves. The system which was introduced in 1876 by Brock way Zebulon who was a prison warden involved the release of a prisoner into the community before the lapse of his jail term and consequent supervision which meant the convict could be re imprisoned if there was a violation of the parole conditions. For parole to be granted the prisoner had to show reform in his behavior and in most cases it was for inmates who were serving uncertain sentences. In modern day, parolees have to comply with strict conditions after their release, slight violation of which results in re imprisonment. Their supervisors who are the parole department officers require them to report regularly to them and may in some cases have to wear electronic monitoring devices which are meant to track their whereabouts. They are expected to oblige with all laws, abstain from drugs, gang members, go for counseling where recommended, attain permission if there is need to travel abroad, and surrender to any home or car searches where need be. The parole board deals with violations of parole conditions and where the parolee commits a crime, they have the discretion to decide if the convict will serve the remainder of the previous sentence in addition to the new one. Initially, the parole board was made up of about three members but this has since changed to increase the number to about thirteen members.  The efficiency of paroles has greatly improved though the probation officers are marred by problems of tracing convicts who escape. More so, the purchase of electronic devices which are a necessity is an expensive affair for the prison institute. (Todd 2006)

Probation can be termed as the alternative to incarceration. It translates to the offenders being part of the community on an every day basis while still undergoing rehabilitation for there offenses. It also involves supervision though it is granted by a judge as opposed to parole which is granted by the parole board. Since probation is the alternate or addition of the prescribed punishment, it is not viewed as a right granted to all offenders. The offenders are expected to report to probation officers and adhere to similar rules as those of the parole system. probation came about in the middle ages after there was discontent by the punishment that were being issued by judges as they were termed as too harsh. John Augustus who is regarded as the father of probation brought a revolution to the justice system he believed in the reforming of offenders and this eventually lead to doctrines such as lenient interpretations of statute, presidential and clergy pardons and judicial reprieve’s. With time the judicial system adopted a mechanism that would allow for the reformation of offenders especially for those who had committed minor crimes. Currently, there are probation officers whose role is to supervise the offenders and since each case scenario is different, the judge gets to decide on the conditions of the probation.  Violation of the terms subjects the offender to the probation officer who has the discretion to decide on the recommendations to make depending on the gravity of the violation. Probation is viewed as a cost effective method of reforming the offender as it requires a minimum amount of money in ensuring the offender is supervised as oppose to serving time in a correctional facility. Probation has however evolved with time and has elements such as shock or split probation whereby the offenders serves a part of his/her sentence and continues the rest of the sentence in form of probation.  This may also include the requirement for an offender to spend particular days of the week in incarceration. (Caputo 2004)

The importance of the two agencies is that they come in handy in dealing with juveniles who may not be subjected to the harsh rule of prisons. More so for first time petty offenders, the mere thought of imprisonment is enough to reform them thus the state comes up with a way to guide them in ensuring there is more repeated commission of the crime. As it is, a good number of correctional facilities are flooded with criminals and this imposes a burden on the state as they have to fund the institutions since they do not earn revenue by themselves. Be that as it may be, the state has to come up with a method of easing up the burden and the agencies applied appropriately cover for that. Additionally, the imprisonment of all offenders may result in a reduce work force which could affect the economy strength. Probation and parole therefore have the element of regenerating the offenders in society into useful productive persons. (Bergman 2009)

There have been concerns whether these two agencies are endangering the lives of citizens out there who have to mingle with the offenders on a daily basis and more so if the offenders are able to fit in society without being subjected to any form of discrimination. In response to this scholars and analysts have state that the judicial officers and parole board members are both qualified and have the expertise to discern whether an offender will reform though this is not a certain issue. Additionally, the nature of offenders subjected to parole and probation are petty offenders and are only liable to perform petty crimes in society and as such there should be minimum alarms about safety. More so since most jails are overcrowded, the two agencies provide the offenders with an opportunity to redeem their behaviors and therefore should not be discriminated against. The counseling services which the offenders may be subjected to aid them to fit in society relate with other offenders and learn how to handle situations where they may be discriminated against. The imperative roles that the agencies serve is that of rehabilitating and reforming the offenders under constant supervision and the community is to serve the function of assisting the reformers in a quicker reform process. (Klein, 1997)

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