search engine tool for Microbiology

Topic: search engine tool for Microbiology
– A simple task of creating a search engine on top of Google that finds results related to biology and classifies them into different fields within microbiology ; e.g. ecology, genetics, cell biology..etc.
I want you please to consider these point :
1. think about functionality of system
2. think about feasibility of classification tool
a. find/develop hierarchical taxonomy for Microbiology
b. use at NLTK tool
3. think about data mining
4. think about add-on tool on top of Google rather than implementing a new search system
and about the program language can you please tell me what is more simple a PHP or Python and about the database please help me to chose the easiest one to understand .
and please could have a look on these point
:a. requirements analysis leading to software specification for smart search tool for microbiology; novelty will hopefully come from investigating needs/requirements for particular setting of learning support in Arabic context
b. implementation of smart search tool with novel approach to selecting most relevant results from a given set of search results, and novel presentation strategies.
c. evaluation of smart search tool with real users.
* all three components need to be done for this to be substantial enough for a PhD
Search engine tool for microbiology
Executive Summary
When a user submits a query on the web search engine, they expect to get relevant results to their research. However, in most cases, they are disappointed and end up considering only a few results from the million results offered. The researchers who have tried to find out the cause of the mismatch have identified that for numerous search engines that are currently available on the World Wide Web, the tools have been highly manipulated. This implies that they have been programmed in such a way that they manipulate the results offered to the users. In addition, in these search engines, the tools are intended for general users and, thus, can only use simple classifier mechanisms to relate data before providing relevant results. Therefore, this makes it hard for users to receive relevant results for their queries.
In attempts to rectify this recurring problem for various web users, some programmers and software developers have attempted to create specified search engine tools for various subjects. However, while some have been quite effective, they have turned to be expensive for the users. For example, for biology researchers, most especially students, it is hard to afford such tools. As a result, there is need to create one that suits their requirements.
This essay presents a proposed research that seeks to describe the development of a search engine tool for biology. The study aims to assess the importance of E-learning tool in Biology and the advantages thereof. It will be important to understand the potential ways of E-learning that may be adapted to boost microbiology. The tool shall be on top of Google and it will be flexible for all users. This means that the user shall be able to specify the type of results they wish to receive from the machine. Furthermore, the tool shall ensure efficiency through application of the most inexpensive tools as it attempts to provide relevant results for all users. For classification of data, the tool will apply the NLTK classifier package. In addition, it shall make use of machine learning techniques and data mining concepts to ensure efficiency of the document classification.
The other analysis refers to the repercussions of the study for those concerned with Implementation of Microbiology in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the study aims to find out the ways of using E-learning to boost the Academic requirements of students and researchers. Other aims include evaluating the relevance of such technology both in United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia as well as acceptance of Microbiology technology for academics in KSA. This will be a quantitative study supported by use of surveys to facilitate data collection from selected population.
This study will focus on Saudi Arabia. Therefore, it will be important to provide some details about the E-learning and how the tool of search for education is carried out in KSA. Various web users submit queries on numerous search engines with the sole aim of receiving relevant results. However, in most cases, they are disappointed. This is because most of the results offered are irrelevant to them. Equally, from the large number of results offered, only one or two are usually relevant. While the situation has been tough for most users, it has been worse for scientific researchers or students conducting research on biological related fields. Therefore, programmers and software developers have felt that there is need to find a permanent solution to the issue. In response, they have come up with a number of search engine tools that provide better services and even offer results that are more relevant to users. However, their services have been quite expensive and the tools are inaccessible for the students.
In search of a better, reliable, efficient, and inexpensive search engine tool for the students, this essay seeks to present a research proposal. The proposed search engine tool for biology is a simple tool that shall make use of inexpensive tools and maximize on technological advancements to create and effective and efficient search engine. The sudy presents a brief of various current problems faced by the biology students, the product under study, and tools to be used for development.
Research Justification
In the recent past, there has been an increasing need to have more effective and efficient search engines for research purposes. This is because as the educational standards rise, so will the passing grade for all students. Therefore, an effective search engine tool that allows room for comprehensive research is crucial. However, while there are some tools that are available, they are quite costly to students who utilize the services for their assignments.
The search engine described by this essay shall be inexpensive, locally available, and easy to use. This is because it shall be developed using open source software for the deployment one of the most common search engines as an add-on. Furthermore, to ensure that users make maximum use of the tools provided, the search engine will be granted flexibility capabilities. This is because the user shall have the privilege of specifying the type of search results they wish to receive. For instance, they could specify whether they want to view sites, articles, documents with exact words, or files whose contents are related to given phrases.
In order to increase on the effectiveness and efficiency of the search engine tool, this proposed research shall also seek to investigate search result clustering both in generic web search scenarios and in the context of specialized documents search. The main aim of this investigation shall be to develop and evaluate different metrics for measuring the similarity of web pages and textual documents. Furthermore, the investigation shall also aim at evaluating methods of clustering web pages and documents based on different similarity measures.
The evaluation of the proposed product shall be carried out through various controlled experiments with the users by including intrinsic assessments of user experience as well as the extrinsic measures of task success. Thereby, the focus of this proposed research is to create a search engine on top of Google that enables users to find results related to Microbiology and before presenting the results to the users, classify them into different fields within the subject area.
Research Questions:
• How important is E-learning tool in Microbiology?
• What is the advantage of using this tool?
• What are the potential ways of E-learning technology that can support microbiology?
• How are the Microbiology approaches received and accepted in two different contexts?
• What are the implications of the study for implementers of Microbiology in the Saudi Arabia?
• Investigate ways of using search engines’ technology to support the Academic needs of student and researchers
• To examine the appropriation of these technology in Saudi Arabia and UK context
• To investigate the acceptance of Microbiology technology for academics in United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia
• Outline culture, social, economic technological of potential aspects of UK and KSA relevant to microbiology
• Design and prototype microbiology search tool
• Evaluate these prototypes for usability and acceptability with potential users in UK and KSA.
• Draw general conditions on microbiology tool in both countries in terms of principles and practical guidelines

Research Methodology
This will be a quantitative research design. The researcher will distribute questionnaires to the students in different universities in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the questionnaires will be the major instrument in collecting data. However, the study will also rely on secondary sources such as database of images, books, journals and articles. The survey design will ensure that only vital information is obtained from the selected population. As the notes use of questionnaires enables the researcher to target only relevant information. The survey will be distributed online so that research participants can access it easily including providing immediate feedback.
The survey will be designed using the five-point Liker Scale so that through the options provided the participants will just have to fill in the choice that best reflects their opinion. Additionally, SPSS software will be used to generate percentages. Lastly, validity will be achieved in this current study by ensuring that the results are in tandem with the research questions and objectives.
The search engine for Microbiology described in this essay shall be developed using simple, tool, and easily available resources. For data classification, NLTK building package shall be used. The data-mining concept shall be applied to allow users gather data depending on the patterns and trends. Furthermore, the machine learning methods techniques shall be employed to increase its effectiveness.
From the survey conducted, the users will provide suggestions on the type of services they wish to enjoy from the search engine. Therefore, the quantitative type of data that can be converted to useful and achievable deliverables will be used to create the architecture of the final search engine tool. They will have choices given and also spaces for open answers in which they could give answers to services they would wish to get. Depending on the responses given, the designer of the architecture will seek to meet all their needs as they ensure that the interface is as user friendly as possible. Furthermore, the survey will educate users of the potential ability of the technology to develop a simple but advanced search engines that make work easier for researchers and students in all fields.
The search engine tool described in this study is expected to cater for the needs of all types of users. This ranges from novice to expert users and therefore, it shall include all necessary resources that can be utilized by either group. The architectural sketch below represents a model of the interface of the search engine tool as viewed by all users.
Search Engine ApplicatioAfter a user has installed the add-on on the search engine, they will be able to view it on the toolbar menu as a shortcut and a menu. This is to make it convenient for any type of user to have options while choosing the menu to use. Then, on clicking on the product’s icon, the users willbeable to open it and view the user interface. It is on this window that they will be able to submit their queries and select the specific field to conduct their research in case they wish to get results specifically from bacteriology, immunology, genetics, cell biology, viruses, or the like. On this search engine, users will have an opportunity to specify the type of results they wish to receive as they submit their query. For example, they will be able to choose whether they wish to view websites, published articles, books, or even text documents.
Work Package and Individual tasks Duration DELIVERABLE
Writing the Proposal
• Suggest different research studies
• Request for assistance from the tutors and team mates
• Settle on a given topic and write a proposal paper -April 2012-july2012 Proposal
• Presenting the already written proposal for approval
• Making necessary adjustments where required
• Research plan approval
• Search for literature review August 2012-march 2013
Research Plan approval- literature reviews-
Progress reviews documents
Information and Data gathering
• Setting out to gather information in the field through administering of questionnaires, and reading from secondary resources
• field visit :
• Saudi Arabia universities
• Distribution of questionnaires -april2013-december – interviews questions and questionnaires- Structured questions for interviews and questionnaire- Reports-Progress Report-
Data Analysis
• Organizing data duly collected via administration of questionnaires and literature review
• Analysis the data using the appropriate tools of analyzing -January 2014-july – Data Analysis-Compilation of research findings- Report on findings and deductions
Final report writing
• Gathering all facts and presenting them in a report
• Further literature review
• discussions August2014-decmber Written Literature review-
Written chapter on discussion
Final report
• Refining the report with the supervisor
• Rewriting and editing the file with respect to the responses given by the instructor
• Final submission of the project report – January2015-april – Revise chapter drafts.
-Prepare thesis for submission.
Complete thesis.-
Research in Wider Context
First of all this study will benefit future students that might have research interests in a topic of this kind. However, the major contribution of this project lies in its possibility to enhance curriculum development in Saudi Arabia’s education system. It will justify the reasons why various ministries of the government in the education sector might need to embrace E-learning and particularly in Microbiology.
Unique Contribution to Knowledge
In the modern society, various educational sectors have embraced E-learning with the aim of making the education system better. However, the medical and microbiology sector has been slow to adopt the technology. The introduction of this particular study is to allow stakeholders within the specified discipline to view from a different perspective the importance of e-learning and thus learn to embrace it. Through the ministry related to health and public affairs, the study will also provide a platform that allows room for curriculum enhancement for the developed of the educational system in developing states. This is because though performed in Saudi Arabia, the study is universal and can be applied to any other developing state. What’s more, for developed countries that wish to upgrade their systems, the findings in this research could be useful.

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