Bio-Ethical Issues In Turkey

Topic:    Bio-Ethical Issues In Turkey

Description: [?]

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Google the country that you’ve chosen and the word bioethics, search
for health issues in the country, skim the book for possible topics
(stem cell research, animal research, human research, health care
proxies, treatment of coma patients, assisted reproduction (surrogacy,
IVF), conjoined twins, testing for genetic disorders, involuntary
commitment, cloning, organ transplants, etc. etc. You are not limited
to this list. ANY TOPIC except physician assisted suicide and
Structure of paper: Part 1 is a discussion of the issue in Turkey.
Part 2 is an analysis. Please make each section about a page.
Part 1: Describe the law that governs the issue OR if there is no law,
describe a case that recently occurred in the country. (It does not
have to be a legal case) Basically, what’s happening with regard to
the issue? This will require some Internet research. You may use
newspapers, health journals, and/or government websites for the
country that you have chosen. Reputable sources only.
Part 2: Analyze the issue. This is the part where you are applying the
ideas that we have discussed in class. Here are some ideas: Describe
the country’s application of the bioethical principles. Explain how
the culture and/or religion of the country affects the way the issue
is handled. Compare the country’s response to the issue to the
response in the United States. Incorporate any of the themes or topics
that we have discussed in class.
Bibliography: List the resources you used at the end of your paper.