Essay, Health sciences and medicine

Essay, Health sciences and medicine

Qualitative Methods for Social Health Research

1. Who are you?? – own biasing frames exposed
2. Which named approach will you use? (Ethnography, grounded theory, hermeneutic…etc)
3. How will you access participants?
4. What sampling approach/es will you use?
5. What data will you collect and how many?
(include questions, numbers of interviews, observations, focus groups )

6. What are some ethical issues/ problems you can forsee?

7. How might you ensure reliability and validity (dependability & trustworthiness)

8. How might you ensure generalizability and transferability?

9. How might you address reflexivity?
10. Design a profile table of your participants (include only information relevant to your research question: pseudonym, age, education, gender, time in the workforce, etc) . (You don’t need to complete the table, just the headings)

My Research Question is:

Excessive Consumption of Soft Drinks and Impact Student’s Health

1. Who are you?? – own biasing frames exposed
I am Ahmed. I am 35 years. I am from Saudi Arabia.
I am studying a health science – paramedic at Flinders University.
2. Which named approach will you use? (Ethnography, grounded theory, hermeneutic…etc)

3. How will you access participants?
4. What sampling approach/es will you use?
5. What data will you collect and how many?



(include questions, numbers of interviews, observations, focus groups )

please write some good interview questions to ask a participants about my question please?
Also, write something as well about observations, focus groups,Please.

6. What are some ethical issues/ problems you can forsee?
please write about some ethical issues and problems please

7. How might you ensure reliability and validity (dependability & trustworthiness)

8. How might you ensure generalizability and transferability?

9. How might you address reflexivity?