Principles of economic theory

Principles of economic theory

Principles of economic theory, question consist of 6 parts, question paper attached. Use of MS office Excel, diagrams, algebra.
Topic category: Economics

In Eurcadia, there are two types of vehicle for transporting goods: vans and boats. Seven people manufacture boats or vans; and ten machines are used to make boats or vans. The number of boats made in Eurcadia is given by the production function Nboats = 1.7 K0.7 L0.4
where K is the number of machines used to make boats, and L the number of employees who make boats.

Part (A)
Does the production function for boats imply increasing or diminishing returns to scale? (explain how we can tell). Calculate the number of boats which can be made, in each cell of this table, rounded to the nearest whole number:
L=0 L=1 L=2 L=3 L=4 L=5 L=6 L=7
K= 9
K= 8
K= 7
K= 6
K= 5
K= 4
K= 3
K= 2
K= 1
K= 0
(10 marks)

Part (B)
Make an ‘Edgeworth box’ diagram for production of boats in Eurcadia: put the number of employees making boats on the horizontal axis (0 to 7), and number of machines used to make boats on the vertical axis (0 to 10). Using data from Part (A), draw an isoquant line for 7 boats. On the same diagram, add an isoquant for 11 boats.
Part (C)
If an employee doesn’t work on boats, s/he works on vans; machines not used for boats are used for vans. The production function for vans is:
Nvans = 4 K0.5 L0.26
In the same ‘Edgeworth box’ as Part (B), add an isoquant for 10 vans. Add an isoquant to represent 14 vans, on the same diagram. Explain how this ‘Edgeworth Box’ shows efficient combinations of people & machines.


Part (D)
Currently, 1 employee and 7 machines make vans. State whether or not there could be a better allocation of resources in Eurcadia, and explain how we can tell. Using the diagram you produced for Part (B) and Part (C), explain why the ‘contract curve’ is relevant to this question.

Part (E)
Use algebra to calculate more accurate values of K for the ‘7 boats’ isoquant in Part (B), for each value of L (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 employees). Do the same for each of the other three isoquants in Parts (B) and (C) (11 boats; 10 vans; and 14 vans). Produce a new graph to show these four new isoquants.


Part (F)
Choose a new level of boat output (other than 7 and 11), and work out a new boat isoquant for this output level; add the new isoquant to the diagram for Part (D). Work out the largest possible number of vans which could be produced, given your choice of the boat output level (the van output does not have to be a whole number). Explain how you decided the maximum van out