Networked Enterprise Architecture

Networked Enterprise Architecture
draw diagrams as it requested in the assignment questions. and below are some points i want to explain it more to be clear for the writer and i need the writer read them carefully to avoid any misunderstanding .

in Task 2:
A – type of delivery means (how should information be presented-web,mobile phone, workspace through the web …etc).
B – in the presentation you should explain what should be presented to the role(in what form should it be presented e.g. dashboard, workspace, message…etc)

in Task 4:
A-the logical diagram should include all the business activities that mentioned in the(BAM)diagram of the first question and should also include those columns(roles,delivery,presentation,programs and database).
B- in describing ways in which the system will accommodates the changes, the writer will need to mention those processes in a table containing those columns (potential change,Roles,Delivery,Presentation,Database and Application programs)



You are given a specification of a business enterprise and are required to develop an
information architecture in support of its business strategy.
Specific items that you must develop
In the submission of your information architecture solution you must provide the following


Ta s k 1 – D e f i n e h o w t h e b u s i n e s s w i l l b e c o n d u c t e d .
Draw a more detailed business activity model (BAM) to show how the business will be
conducted, based on the requirements in section 2 below (2


Ta s k 2 – D e f i n e t h e c o m p o n e n t s f o r e a c h b u s i n e s s a c t i v i t y.
For each role show the presentation and delivery for each business activity or process
Define the communication requirements (3 marks).


Ta s k 3 – B r i n g a l l t h e b u s i n e s s a c t i v i t i e s t o g e t h e r.
Draw a high level entity-relationship (E-R) model of the database (2 marks).
Identify the programs or workspaces that will need to be developed (2 marks).


Ta s k 4 – D e v e l o p t h e f i n a l d e s i g n .
Draw a logical diagram showing the relationships between all components in the information
systems architecture (5 marks).
As systems are now increasingly expected to be “agile”, describe ways in which your
system accommodates the following (5 marks):

The ability to respond to changes in customer requirements.

The ability for experts to quickly reorganize to address newly identified solutions.

The ability to change the process itself as a whole.
Marks will be given for the quality of your work, in particular consistency of names in the
different models (3 marks).


The business system
Brokers are often needed within organizations though without being formally recognized as
such. Figure 1 (page 2) illustrates one example, a business that provides services in the
design and installation of large electrical and lighting systems. The salespeople in the
organization respond to customer requirements by proposing solutions that are both timely
UTS: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
31276 Networked Enterprise Architecture | Autumn 2013
Assessment Item 2
FEIT31276 NEA | Autumn 2013 — Assessment item 2

and of high quality. To consistently ensure high quality, salespeople seek advice from their
design organization and, in this sense, act as brokers between the experts and their clients.
Currently the business (Acme Engineering) is in the process of improving the services it
provides to its customers by reducing the time it takes to respond to their requests. Its plan
is to improve its trading position by becoming known as an organization that is able to meet
complex requirements in minimal time.
Currently, exchange of information between experts, salespeople and customers is based
on the exchange of documents either by mail (i.e., printed documents requiring manual
handling) or through e-mail. As a result, any changes in requirements result in lengthy
The strategy it seeks is to improve and speed up the current process by reducing the time
to exchange documents as well as reducing the time to provide any clarification and
respond to requirements changes. To achieve these goals, it is planning to support
networking between the three groups through networking communication services that
support both mobility and awareness across personnel involved in any project.
The top level operations are shown in Figures 1 and 2 (page 4).
Figure 1 – Top level system model of business systems
Figure 1 combines modeling methods from previous subjects
to show the business
activities, which are:

The enterprise (Acme Engineering) negotiates contracts for complex engineering
UTS: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
31276 Networked Enterprise Architecture | Autumn 2013
Assessment Item 2
FEIT31276 NEA | Autumn 2013 — Assessment item 2


These subjects are the prerequisites for 31276 Networked Enterprise Architecture: 31269 Business Requirements Modelling
31060 Information Systems Principles
31472 Introduction to Collaborative Systems
31484 Information Systems
31749 Internet Commerce
31475 Requirements Engineering
31424 Systems Modelling.