Managing Profitable Food and Beverage Operations

Managing Profitable Food and Beverage Operations

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the objectives, functions, outputs and production processes in relation to food and beverage operations
3. Analyse the need for efficiency and profitability whilst maintaining service/product quality and required performance levels

Transferable Skills

Students will be encouraged to use initiative and take responsibility, solve problems in creative and innovative ways, make decisions in challenging situations, continue to learn independently and to develop professionally and to communicate effectively while completing this assignment

Assignment Remit – TASK 1 – The Group Report (50% of the assignment weighting)

Working in a team ofno more than 4 people, during your visit to Palma, Mallorca in Week 8you are required to visit and critically analyse the food and beverage outlet you researched online before taking part in the trip. Youmust visit the outlet asmystery diners in order to undertake an evaluation of the outlets product and service standards. This must involve the use of ansuitable auditingtool and a set of accompanying criteriadeveloped before making the visit. Findings will lead to an objectiveassessment and critique of your visit experience.

A summary of your findings must be presented as a formal report of no more than 3000 words and should be for the attention of the module teaching team only. Under no circumstances should you involve other customers or discuss aspects of your visit with outlets management or staff.
Your report should include the following:

1. A critical evaluation of the outlet’s website in relation to how it influenced your choice of restaurant and how it formed your pre-visit expectations.

In your appendices, you are required to include evidence of accessing the restaurant website prior to the visit taking place, in addition to online sites that provided reviews of the restaurant posted by past customers and which may have been useful in making your final outlet selection.

2. An evaluation of quality audit tools/models used to assess customer service and product quality and a discussion, with supporting justifications, of the auditing tool that your group has chosen/developed for your visit.

3. A brief overview of the establishment, its immediate environment and the typical customer profile apparent during your visit. An evaluation of the team’s assessment and findings of the service and product experienced during your visit measured against the assessment criteria used with discussion of these results in relation to the benefits and risks of the service experienced to the business.

4. Appropriate conclusions and recommendations for improvements, within the context of any weaknesses already identified.
Within a final section of your report you are required to identify the individual contributions of each team member and include a log sheet of meetings held by the team to discuss progress and similar aspects associated with completing the assignment.You are encouraged to read the ‘Student Guide to Managing and Working in Teams/Groups’ (found on UCB Online) before starting this assignment and identify the appropriate log sheets necessary for inclusion in this assignment.

Grades for both the report and presentation will be allocated on an individual basis.
During the Week 4 lecture time, as a team you will be required to notify the lecturer of your choice of food and beverage operation and be able to confidently discuss the audit checklist and visit criteria you have developed in order that feedback can be given during the session.

TASK 2 – The Presentation (50% of the assignment weighting)

Your team is required to present a summary of the key findings of your report to the rest of the group in a 20 minute presentation (to also include time for questioning). The presentations will take place during the lecture time of Weeks 11 & 12. Each team’s exact time will be determined before the presentations commence. If using PowerPoint in your presentation, a maximum of 12 slides may be used.