design the logic

Professor Robinson has asked you to design the logic that will be used to calculate final class averages and grades for his students. His grading algorithm is as follows:
Exam average:        60%
Quiz average:         20%
Lab average:          20%
For each student, Professor Robinson will enter the value for each of the averages (exam, quiz, and lab). Then, using the weighting above, the program will calculate the final student class average and store each student’s final average into an array.  The program will then determine the letter grade for each student using the following criteria:
90 – 100:                A
80 – 89:                  B
70 – 79:                  C
60 – 69:                  D
Less than 59:           F
The program should produce the following output for the student:
Final Average:  80.5%
Final Grade:  X
The program should use separate procedures for:
·         inputting the data;
·         determining the Final Grade; and
·         displaying the results.

The following is the Hierarchy Chart for the design, and notice that modules should pass data between them to perform the necessary processing.