theoretical investigation

theoretical investigation
This unit allows you to focus on an area of theoretical investigation that will support and enhance your visual practice inpreparation for your dissertation.
The brief aims to assist in the development of your research, critical and analytical skills in a series of supportive seminars and tutorials. You will be introduced to a variety of research methods, both primary and secondary,including image analysis and how to make the most of an interview.
You must choose your own subject for this assignment. It is strongly recommended that you choose something that is related to your area of practice to enhance and support your visual work.Guidance from your tutor will help you settle on a relevant topic and develop a specific line of critical enquiry that will inform and underpin your visual practice.
On Tuesday 23rd and 25th Aprilyou will be expected to present your proposal(what you intend to research, why and how that relates to your visual practice), which should include your: subject; working title;rationale; aims; and key theoretical ideas, including authors and images you will be using in your investigation.
The submission for this unit is divided into two parts:a literature review (Research Proforma), and a critical, analytical synopsis of your research and the development of your critical argument (Synopsis).

Part One:Research Proforma
The research proforma is a way of recording key information from your research clearly in one place. It might make it easier to imagine this as a literature review or an expanded bibliography.The sources noted on your proforma must be relevant to your individual subject area and the question you are aiming to answer. Yourproformamust adhere to the following format.
Your proforma must include:
? The title of your essay
? Your research question
? A minimum of 6 sources you have researched (e.g. Books, Journals, catalogues, interviews etc)

You are expected to note the subject and key points of each of your sources of reference, this section should have a word count of 50 ? 100 words. You must include the following information for each source:
? Author
? Critical Position
? Title
? Publisher/Publications
? Date
? Chapter/Article Heading
? Subject/Key points
? Quotation
? Other references


Author: Marina Warner
Critical Position: Author, Historian and Critic
Title: From the Beast to the Blonde: on fairy tales and their tellers
Publisher/Publications: Vintage, London
Date: 1995
Chapter/Article Heading: Chapter two, Old Wives Tales: Gossip 1. Pg. 21
Subject/Key points: This book looks at the history of the fairy tale and where some of the most popular and well known tales originated from. It also looks at the more contemporary takes on the stories and how the stories have been changed over the years to become more ‘sugar-coated’ and not so horrific.
Quotation: ?Fairy tales exchange knowledge between an older voice of experience and a younger audience, they present pictures of points and possibilities that lie ahead, they use terror to set limits on choice and offer consolation to the wronged, they draw social outlines around boys and girls, fathers and mothers, the rich and the poor…?
Other references:This chapter will be a reference when I want to write about how we recognise objects to have a theme or meaning ? as in the fairy tale theme in artists work, mainly in chapter two.

Part Two: Synopsis.
If the research proforma can be described as an expanded bibliography,the synopsis is yourdissertation plan. It is a summary of your research, and the development of your critical argument. You should include any visual and textual references you have explored, and indicate how they might support your argument/discussion. You may also wish to include references that you are aware of but have yet to explore. It would be useful to pinpoint any areas where you lack references so that your tutor may advise you in your feedback.

Your synopsis must include:
? Essay title
? Research question
? Introductory plan
o Rationale, i.e. what you intend to research, why & how that relates to your visual practice, and why you?ve structured it in the way you have.
o Aims
? Structure of discussion (chapters) What are your key points
o Key theoretical ideas including specific authors and their critical perspectives
? Conclusion (critical reflection with key points)
? Bibliographyto date and a list of illustrationsto date.

The word count of the synopsisis 1000-1400 words.
30% A proposal for dissertation with research proforma and supporting written assignment
(The dissertation proposal deals with the identification of the critical approaches, bodies of knowledge, lines of argument, structure and rationale for the dissertation)

Assessment Criteria

On successful completion of this unit you will have produced evidence of:

Knowledge of Contexts, Concepts, Technologies, Processes
(LO1) A detailed understanding of theoretical ideas with evidence of their relationship to contemporary practice
Understanding the Application of Knowledge
(LO2, LO3) Engagement in critical ideas through breadth and depth of research
(LO3) Clarity and progression of structures for argument that demonstrate an understanding of key theoretical ideas
(LO3) Integration and synthesis of a range of research material to enhance critical engagement
Application of Technical Professional Skills
(LO4) The ability to communicate and present ideas in written form adhering to academic conventions

Assessable Components

? Regular participation inseminars and tutorials.

? The Research Proforma (Literature review) ? 50%

? The Synopsis ? 50%


? Your submission must be correctly formatted and referenced, with a Turn ItInplagiarism form attached. You must email a copy to the unit tutor(including your TurnI InpaperID as the subject) and deliver a hard copy (print out) to Jackie, the course administrator by the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.