Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Techniques

Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Techniques
Where a word count has been specified, the submission must be within ±10% of that value. Graphs, screenshots, photographs and illustrations are not counted toward the word counting.

All answers must be supported with proper referencing of all articles, books, websites and materials being used.

Case Study
To complete this assignment, select one of the following engineering manufacturing businesses relevant to your engineering speciality (electrical and electronics/mechanical) to refer to in your answers throughout this assignment:

1. Alloy Wheel manufacturer and distributer
2. Communication Cable manufacturer and distributer

Alternatively, you can select your product or employer business as a case study and refer to in your answers.

Task 1 – Learning Outcomes 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3
Evaluate the use of three different process planning techniques
Select and assess the use of a capacity assessment technique for two different types of process
Explain the use of a range of scheduling techniques

1. Mechanical Option:
Manufacturing processing techniques used for Alloy Wheel manufacturing include the followings:

? Forging
? High Pressure Die Casting
? Low Pressure Die Casting
? Gravity Casting (Permanent mould and sand casting)
? Quality control

2. Electrical Option:
Manufacturing processing techniques used for electric cables manufacturing include the followings:
? Wire drawing
? Wire grouping to make conductor
? Insulation
? Phase wiring
? Outer sheath
? Quality control
Q1: Provide an overview of the specific manufacturing case study that you have selected.
(150 words each)

Q2:Discuss and evaluate three process planning techniques (CPM, PERT and MRP) for any of the manufacturing processes relevant to the selected case study.
(150 words each)

Q3: Discuss and assess the use of capacity assessment technique for two different processes of the manufacturing processes relevant to the selected case study.
(150 words)

Q4: For one process of the selected manufacturing processes relevant to the selected case study, discuss and explain the use of two scheduling techniques.
(150 words each)

Task 2 – Learning Outcome 2.1
Explain an application of the principle of inventory management

The process to oversee the constant flow of components or units of a product into and out of an existing inventory is called Inventory Management. Discuss and explain how the principles of inventory management are used in the selected product.
(200 words)

Task 3 – Learning Outcome 2.2
Compare and evaluate two different stock control systems

Two bin system and Kanban are two of many stock control systems used in inventory management. Compare these two systems and evaluate the use of either of them in the selected case study.
(250 words)

Task 4 – Learning Outcome 2.3 & 2.4
Discuss two different shop floor documentation systems
Explain the functions of shop control

Q1: Stock record, works order, job tickets and recording of finished quantities are few examples of the documentation systems that are used in recording and controlling components and product production and stocking in any manufacturing and distribution industry. Discuss and explain the use of two of these documentation systems or any other two that are relevant to your case study.

(150 words each)

Q2:;Scheduled release of work orders and data collection and feedback are two types of shop control systems; explain how are they used in stocking and distributing the product of your selected case study.

(150 words each)
Task 5 – Learning Outcome 3.2& 3.2
Explain the methods of classifying and coding component parts into family groups
Explain how family groups of components are sequenced for processing through grouped facilities

Q1:The processes of categorizing parts of your selected product into groups is called classification; define and explain two methods that are used in classifying and coding the parts of your selected product into family groups.
(250 words)

Q2: Parts of any product classified into groups and families according to their design, geometrical shape, manufacturing processes and layout. Explain how are parts of your selected product or your products grouped into family groups and how are these family groups sequenced for processing through grouped families.
(250 words)
Task 6 – Learning Outcome 4.1 & 4.2
Produce a process plan from a given set of data
Produce a production schedule from a process plan

Q1: Using a computer software (Microsoft project) produce a process plan including the identification of timing, completion dates, material required, equipment and tools required and man power (labours, engineers and management) needed to produce a bundle of 100 units of your selected product. Explain the method of preparing your plan and how it is evolved.
(150 words + project palns)
Q2: Provide screen shoots or print out of the Critical Path and the Gantt chart of the process plan and provide costing table for producing 100 units of your selected product.