Pathophysiology (Case Stduy)

Pathophysiology (Case Stduy)

Order Description

Case Study C
R.S. has smoked for many years and has developed hronic brénchitisfia chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). He also has a history of Wease and peripheral arterial
vascular disease. His arterial blood gas (ABG) values are pH *‘ 7.32 PaCO; = 60 l Hg PaO
74% zoxv-rzw
g f, Lff 50 mm Hg, HCO3-kffég‘IIgE Iris His hematocrit is 52% wrthriighnal red cell infic‘e’s. e iés‘ilismg anillrgyi:vre)
{page inhaled Bz agonist and 115635 “lyhline to manage his respiratory disease. At this clinic Visit, it is
N “ ‘ f fiat noted on a chest X-ray that R.S. has an area of consolidation in his right lower lobe that is thought
(01 m 0&th be consistent with pneumonia.
Discussion Questions ‘7 ‘7
1. What clinical findings are likely in R.S. as a consveguepcggofhis QQPD?
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2. How would the consequences ofthe COPD of RS. (identified in question 1) differ from
those of emphysematous COPD?7; ; fl. , g, V
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3. Interpret R.S. ’s laboratory results. How would his acid-base disorder be classified? What is f,
the most likely cause of his pplyeytlrierriiil‘ii A ii 05%;?“ (El 042 g; 425’?
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4. What is the rationale for treating R.S. with Theophylline and a 8; agonist? a
5. What effects would his respiratory disease have on his cardiovascular function?
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