The issues of benefit packages on employee motivation in recessionary economy of UK

The issues of benefit packages on employee motivation in recessionary economy of UK

Order Description

You are expected to write a 5,000 words individual report on the business topic. In this report you need to critically analyse the issues presented in this business topic and support your arguments with various secondary data or information. It is very important that you include academic literature sources in support of your arguments.

Depending upon the topic selected, you may choose to write from the perspective of a business consultant, independent analyst, academic or researcher.

Outline Note

TOPIC QUESTION MADE: The issues of benefit packages on employee motivation in recessionary economy of UK.

Organisations can help employees absorb cost of living increases by providing benefits they don’t have to buy themselves or doing deals for them,” says Charles Cotton, performance and reward adviser at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)

most employers are reluctant to increase the spending and resources they devote to financing such provisions, says Kim Honess, UK head of flexible benefits at Mercer consultancy

Full time vs other types of employment

Why ppl offer flex ben: cost & values perceived

Theories of motivation/ link to flex package

Build a framework/ empirical work

Important note

World vs own view
Model gap between theories vs life (Literature)

Propose Journal Framework/ Case theories with Evaluation then Real life Case in comparison and finally conclusion with own opinions.

Must have tables, charts, graphs to illustrate the trends, statistics and other related data.

Must use JOURNALS/ ACADEMIC FRAMEWORK  in relation to MOTIVATION/BENEFIT PACKAGES for employees. (40/80 of references must come from JOURNALS/ACADEMIC FRAMEWORK THEORISTS)


MUST DEVELOP the outline further based on example uploaded!!!

Points to consider (Scaffolding of related issues, which should be related to the research topics for Phase 3)    •    What are the impacts of economic crisis on employees’ living and their incentives of performance improvement?
•    Are employers facing difficulties of retaining the talent of employees?
•    What are the current payment schemes for the UK businesses?
•    Are there alternative payment scheme to better motivate the employees?
•    Will more flexible benefit schemes motivate employees better, especially in a bad economic situation?
•    How could more flexible benefits schemes motivate employees better?
•    Are there any advantages or disadvantages with more flexible benefits schemes?
•    What are the theories support your analysis?
•    What role can technology play in providing smarter and more flexible benefits to employees?
•    Future trends and comparison between countries
Note    You should choose 1 of the above points to focus on, and a few additional, related points to cover in your essay.  The above points are not exhaustive but can be considered in constructing the report. You should consider other issues wherever necessary and relevant.
Instructions    You are expected to write a 5,000 words individual report on the business topic. In this report you need to critically analyse the issues presented in this business topic and support your arguments with various secondary data or information. It is very important that you include academic literature sources in support of your arguments.

Depending upon the topic selected, you may choose to write from the perspective of a business consultant, independent analyst, academic or researcher.

You will need to do some wider reading to address this article adequately. Various sources of information should be considered, such as academic journals, books, newspapers, and magazines.

Your report should be logical, balanced, concise, focused and well structured with no more than a maximum of 5,000 words in length. It should be word-processed (12 points Arial, 1.5 line spacing) and the highest levels of presentation are expected.

Initial Readings    Note that the list below provides you with some initial readings to obtain a general understanding of this topic. You are required, however, to include academic sources into your bibliography.



2/Key Concepts

3/Factors influencing Motivation

4/ Strategic Benefit packages

5/ Conclusion

MUST DEVELOP the outline further based on example uploaded!!!

Literature used and referencing
This is measured by the amount of data the student has found, its relevance to the topic and the student’s judgement in terms of its reliability – how old is it, who produced it, is it based on personal opinion or well conducted research etc. It is not appropriate to suggest a minimum number of references as some areas are better documented than others but a good piece of work is unlikely to have less than 8 references including work from academic journals. Poor or failing pieces of work may rely on one textbook and/or some ‘google’ articles. Appropriate, accurate and consistent style of referencing should also be taken into account under this heading

Problem Identification and Structure    The questions provided are open ended and different approaches to answering them are discussed in the groups but ultimately it is the responsibility of each individual to decide how to structure the response

Critical Reasoning / Justification
This section is concerned with the way the student actually uses the information they have collected in producing the essay. Is the student able to evaluate critically the data they have collected? Are the points well made? Are they based on the evidence presented? Is evidence used well to support the opinion being expressed? Is the information presented in a logical way? Can the student synthesise an argument?

Conclusions and recommendations
This section relates to the ability of the student to provide a persuasive conclusion and set of recommendations based on the issues raised, arguments and points made in the report. Are the arguments persuasive? Are the conclusions supported by the body of the report?

Presentation and completeness
The report should be complete which include all the elements according to the requirements. A good report is expected to be organized logically and neatly. Use of language and grammar should not hinder the understanding of readers