Relational Database Business (RDB)

Relational Database Business (RDB)

After reading Peter Chen’s paper, The Entity-Relationship Model: Toward a Unified View of Data, ACM transitions on Database Systems 1(1), March 1976, compare Chen’s landmark modeling technique to the more current modeling techniques proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) under the Unified Modeling Language (UML) standard. Your comparison must include (directly compare) at least three graphics from both the Chen and OMG approach. You should address the pros and cons of each approach. Place all graphics at the end of the paper. Graphics (incl. graphic titles) do not count in the 1,000-1,500 word count requirement. I recommend that you use either homework or project related information.
Your paper will include an executive summary for your boss explaining how a relational data solution can be applied to a current business problem or area for improvement. Assume that your boss knows nothing about relational theory. The goal of this summary is to obtain your boss’s approval to proceed with your stated project. Do not focus on technical aspects of a database management system. Focus on how the information will be captured, manipulated, managed, and shared, and the value the database brings to the organization. Include brief examples of how other industries (both domestic and international) have successfully used relational databases to increase efficiency.
Research and additional reading beyond our course text and the applicable paper is highly encouraged, and is really a requirement to do well. For every page you write, expect to read 100 pages for ‘A’ level work. Be sure to reference all sources properly using APA guidelines.
Grading Rubric:
100-90 points: Depicted models are technically correct and match each other and the student’s example/comparison scenario. The student identifies weaknesses and strengths in both models. The student identifies the function of the discussed model with respect to establishing databases. The student can project the equivalent relational artifact within the object oriented technology world.
<90-80 points: Depicted models are technically correct and match each other and the student’s example/comparison scenario. The student identifies weaknesses and strengths in both models. The student identifies the function of the artifact with respect to establishing databases.
<80-70 points: Depicted models are mostly correct with few technical errors and match each other and the student’s example/comparison scenario. The student identifies weaknesses and strengths in both models. The student identifies the function of the artifact with respect to establishing databases.
<70-60 points: Depicted models have significant technical issues, do not match each other or do not match the student’s example/comparison scenario. The student identifies weaknesses and strengths in both models. The student identifies the function of the artifact with respect to establishing databases.
<60 points: Depicted models have significant technical issues, do not match each other or do not match the student’s example/comparison scenario. The student fails to identify weaknesses and strengths in both models. The student fails to identify the function of the artifact with respect to establishing databases.