race in cinema

race in cinema

Order Description

Assignment: some critics argue that the five stereotypes of African Americans found in early cinema (the coon, Uncle Tom, Mammy, the Tragic Mulatto, and the Black

Buck) can still be found in contemporary Hollywood films.
Watch a modern film that has an African American lead character.
Discuss how the film depicts the African American character. do the same old racial stereotypes still apply? how does this character relate to other White characters

in the film?
Structure & Writing
Develop an original thesis that explains how the character or characters in the film either fit into the classical stereotype or how they overturn it. then come up

with several examples from the film that support your argument.
The best way to structure the introductory paragraph is to select a few specific aspects about the film that you want to discuss or analize in detail, and then relate

them to your thesis statement.
Clearly state your thesis and then preview your points. Make sure the subject of your paper reflects your thesis.
Structure the rest of the essay with well-written logical paragraphs that all include an introduction, body and conclusion. These should all support the thesis

statement that you came up with the introduction paragraph. In other words the points brought up in the introduction paragraph should be looked at in more detail

throughout the body of the paper and should all reflect your thesis.
Do not just give a description of what the film is about or give plot description. this is an analytical essay.

watch; Life of a King movie,

Artificial Intelligence Research on the web

https://intelligence.org/   – Machine Intelligence Research institute

MIRI’s mission is to ensure that the creation of smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive impact. We aim to make advanced intelligent machines behave as we

intend even in the absence of immediate human supervision.

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

Science Daily

•    Reading Speed Controlling Text Display Rates
•    Computer-Controlled Camera On Robotic Ankle
•    Picture Worth 1000 Words; How Many Emotions?
•    Inspiring Solutions for Household Robots
•    Emotional Robot That Remembers and ‘Cares’
•    Octopus Robot With Ultra-Fast Propulsion
•    Programming Safety Into Self-Driving Cars
•    Robot Scientist Could Boost Drug Discovery
•    Insights Into Evolution of Monkey Faces
•    Complex Environments Push ‘Brain’ Evolution

Elsevier – an International Journal
Artificial Intelligence, which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generally accepted premier international forum for the publication of results of current

research in this field. The journal welcomes foundational and applied papers describing mature work involving computational accounts of aspects of intelligence.

Specifically, it welcomes papers on:
•    Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy
•    Automated reasoning and inference
•    Case-based reasoning
•    Cognitive aspects of AI
•    Commonsense reasoning
•    Constraint processing
•    Heuristic search
•    High-level computer vision
•    Intelligent interfaces
•    Intelligent robotics
•    Knowledge representation
•    Machine learning
•    Multiagent systems
•    Natural language processing
•    Planning and theories of action
•    Reasoning under uncertainty or imprecision

Fox News – Futurist:  What Artificial Intelligence will really look like

Live Science:
Steven Hawking:  Artificial Intelligence Could End Human Race

The Huffington Post – Transcending Complacency on Superintelligent Machines
Steven Hawking – director of the Centre for Theoretical Physics at Cambridge
2012 Fundamental Physics Prize Laureate
Max Tegmark – MIT physicist Author of “our Mathematical Universe”
Stuart Russell-  computer Science professor at Berkeley
Frank Wilczek – Novel laurete and Physics professor at M.I.T.

The article:
Artificial intelligence (AI) research is now progressing rapidly. Recent landmarks such as self-driving cars, a computer winning at Jeopardy!, and the digital personal

assistants Siri, Google Now and Cortana are merely symptoms of an IT arms race fueled by unprecedented investments and building on an increasingly mature theoretical

foundation. Such achievements will probably pale against what the coming decades will bring.
The potential benefits are huge; everything that civilization has to offer is a product of human intelligence; we cannot predict what we might achieve when this

intelligence is magnified by the tools AI may provide, but the eradication of war, disease, and poverty would be high on anyone’s list. Success in creating AI would be

the biggest event in human history.
Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks. In the near term, for example, world militaries are considering autonomous weapon

systems that can choose and eliminate their own targets; the UN and Human Rights Watch have advocated a treaty banning such weapons. In the medium term, as emphasized

by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee in The Second Machine Age, AI may transform our economy to bring both great wealth and great dislocation
Looking further ahead, there are no fundamental limits to what can be achieved: there is no physical law precluding particles from being organized in ways that perform

even more advanced computations than the arrangements of particles in human brains. An explosive transition is possible, although it may play out differently than in

the movie: as Irving Good realized in 1965, machines with superhuman intelligence could repeatedly improve their design even further, triggering what Vernor Vinge

called a “singularity” and Johnny Depp’s movie character calls “transcendence.” One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human

researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand. Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it, the

long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all.
So, facing possible futures of incalculable benefits and risks, the experts are surely doing everything possible to ensure the best outcome, right? Wrong. If a

superior alien civilization sent us a text message saying, “We’ll arrive in a few decades,” would we just reply, “OK, call us when you get here — we’ll leave the

lights on”? Probably not — but this is more or less what is happening with AI. Although we are facing potentially the best or worst thing ever to happen to humanity,

little serious research is devoted to these issues outside small non-profit institutes such as the Cambridge Center for Existential Risk, the Future of Humanity

Institute, the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, and the Future of Life Institute. All of us — not only scientists, industrialists and generals — should ask

ourselves what can we do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits and avoiding the risks.

The Huffington Post –
Artificial Intelligence – listing of articles