Conduct an empirical investigation of an area of your choice using data from the Understanding Society survey

Conduct an empirical investigation of an area of your choice using data from the Understanding Society survey

BACKGROUND Conduct an empirical investigation of an area of your choice using data from the Understanding Society survey. The only restriction is that you are not

allowed to do a project that involves using wage or income as the dependent variable. That is you are not allowed to investigate the determinants of wages, pay or


UNDERSTANDING SOCIETY SURVEY Understanding Society is a longitudinal survey (i.e. re-interviewing the same individuals / households over time). The survey builds on

and extends an earlier survey that was known as the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS). The project will involve using a single cross-section (wave 2) of the data.

Understanding Society survey provides information on household composition, employment and skills, income and wealth, education, health and lifestyle, social and

political attitudes, well-being, environment and transport, children and families. Given its coverage Understanding Society and its predecessor, the BHPS, have been

and continue to be used in a wide range of applications. For the project you will be using a condensed version of the dataset.

•     Introduction
•     Model
•     Data
•     Empirical Analysis
•    Conclusion
•     Bibliography
•    Presentation

• Labour Market – employment decisions (e.g. part-time versus full-time, hours worked), occupational choice
• Consumption and Savings Behaviour – cigarette and alcohol consumption, leisure participation, amount saved
• Political and Social Behaviour – voting behaviour, party identification, social attitudes
• Health and well-being – General health, life satisfaction