formulate an Information Systems (IS) strategy for the ‘planned’ organisation described in the appendix and produce a report detailing your IS strategy.

Your Tasks
In this coursework, your main task is to formulate an Information Systems (IS) strategy for the ‘planned’ organisation described in the appendix and produce a report

detailing your IS strategy.
For the purposes of this coursework, the following are expected from all reports to demonstrate that the proposed IS Strategy is based on thorough research/analysis of

various factors that are relevant to this organisation (for example environmental or technological factors).
No    Task Description    Mark
1    Using the information given in the appendix and the findings from your own research and analysis, produce a revised description of the organisation. [LO1]
You should also include mission statement, business objectives, products/services, the partners, the key activities etc. You can use a template such as Business Model

Canvas for this. Feel free to revise any part of the description as a result of your analysis and research.    10 marks
3    Conduct strategic analysis, present your results and main findings.  [LO3]
To formulate your IS strategy, you will need to conduct strategic analysis. You are required to do this by selecting and applying no more than TWO strategic

tools/models. You can choose any tools (excluding SWOT). Justify your choices of tools/models briefly. Your findings, for example, can be presented in the form of

threats, challenges and/or opportunities which can then be used to inform your IS Strategy.    25 marks
Conduct research into growing or emerging technology trends and analyse/evaluate their suitability for the organisation. [LO4]
You are required to conduct research into growing/emerging IT trends. The purpose of your research is become aware of growing/emerging IT trends;  evaluate their

suitability to your organisation; analyse if they can have strategic benefits; and finally decide how they can inform your IS Strategy.  For the purposes of this

coursework, considering the suitability of any TWO of the growing or emerging trends for your IS strategy is sufficient. You are expected to justify your choices and

the strategic use of the TWO trends you have chosen.      25 marks
4    A description and justification of your proposed IS strategy for the chosen organisation. [LO1], [LO2], [LO4]
Your strategy should at least include the following three main elements:
(i)    What specific components (i.e. platforms, systems software, business applications, data, hardware etc) are you proposing and how are they going to be

(ii)    Use: Where will they be used? For what purposes? How will they help ‘strategically’ to your chosen organisation?
(iii)    Management: How do you propose to manage and source (e.g. insource or outsource) the components and/or resources that are part of your IS strategy?     25

5    A critical evaluation of your IS strategy and its feasibility. [LO1], [LO2], [LO4]
Critical understanding, through reflection, analysis and evaluation, of key and wider issues, challenges or risks that the proposed IS strategy poses.    15

Learning Outcomes
LO1:  demonstrate an understanding of the linkage between the business strategy and the IS/IT strategy.
LO2: demonstrate an understanding of broader issues relating to the Introduction and Management of Information Systems.
LO3: select and apply an appropriate range of tools and techniques to any business to determine the strategic potential of IS.
LO4: evaluate current/emerging technologies/trends relevant to IS strategy formulation.
Rules & Regulations
•    Any ambiguities or questions should be raised with the module leader via email.
•    The work needs to be submitted as a single report containing all necessary parts.
•    Your report must be of a presentable and professional quality i.e. paginated; grammatically correct; with a title page showing your id, name and word count; a

table of contents; and reference list at the end etc.
•    Your report must be referenced throughout. You can use either use Harvard or Vancouver referencing styles. Reports without the appropriate referencing will be

submitted for plagiarism investigation. If the report is not correctly referenced, up to 10 marks will be deducted from the overall mark achieved.
•    The word limit for this report is 3000 words, excluding the contents page, reference list and appendices. All work, including the analysis must be presented

within the main body.  If you are not within the word limit, up to 10 marks will be deducted from the overall mark achieved.
•     The coursework deadline is not negotiable. If you cannot complete the coursework or miss the deadline due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. illness), you must

submit a Mitigating Circumstances form together with documentary evidence to ECS Registry Office.
•    Late courseworks, without an accepted mitigating circumstances claim, will be penalised according to university regulations which are as follows:
o    If you submit within 24 hours after the deadline (or no more than one working day after the deadline), 10% of the available marks will be deducted from the

mark, except for work which obtains a mark in the range 40 – 49%, in which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (i.e. 40%).
o    If you submit your coursework more than 24 hours late (or more than one working day after the deadline), you will be given a mark of ZERO for the work in

•    You must keep a copy of the work that you submitted.