Cultural fit should be paid attention, and it is the important part should be focus when you develop the new product. This product should be manufactured in the UK. (Important)

Cultural fit should be paid attention, and it is the important part should be focus when you develop the new product.
This product should be manufactured in the UK.  (Important)
The country you selected is should belong to the Europe Union. (such as Germany, Italy, Greek)
About the analysis, you should find some recent data like consumption data from competitor to support your idea. (It is very important)
This report should include summary. (Important)
ct from UK to other Europe Union country.)

How can future work be improved?

Marker’s signature    Print name    Date    % or Grade:

(Note: all results are subject to moderation by the Assessment Board)
Second marker’s signature    Print name    Date
Important: All returned assessed work must be retained by students and be made available for scrutiny by external examiners on request.
Assignment Briefing Form completed by the module leader and moderated under arrangements approved by the Head of Academic Department.

Submission instructions:Paper copy to be handed into FF18 in the Faccenda Student Centre and digital copy uploaded into assignment drop-in box in the Learning Hub (The University’s Virtual Learning Environment) before the deadline.  Work submitted more than 24 hours later than the published deadline will not be accepted (unless there are approved, documented, mitigating circumstances) and zero marks will be awarded.  Work submitted up to 24 hours later than the published deadline will have 20 marks from 100 deducted from the mark awarded by the tutor.  Instructions for uploading assignments are available on the front page of the Learning Hub.  In particular, note the instruction notto delete the emailed receipts which you should receive confirming that your assignment has been successfully uploaded.

Title of the assignment: Putting into practice the theory of food innovation and cross-border trading in food.

Assignment Brief
You are a commercial manager working in a food manufacturing company in the UK.
You (and your team) have been asked to develop a new food product to be launched in another EU member country of your choice.  You can be working in any food product category you wish.

Prepare a written brief in report format for the company’s board of Directors detailing the following:
A description of the food product you wish to develop:
How this food product is innovative in the country you have chosen (innovative processes, features, cultural fit):
How successful this food product is likely to be based on your understanding of the EU marketplace today:
Any challenges you envisage with particular reference to cross-border trade.

Assignment 2 is an individual assignment worth 60% of the module marks.

Word/pagelimit 1,500 words.
Students are expected to keep within the specified word / page limit and include a word count or page numbering as applicable.  The portion of an assignment that exceeds a word / page limit (rather than guide) will not be marked and, therefore, attract a penalty.

The work will be judged against the extent to which it fulfils the following criteria:
1.    Conforms to relevant presentation guidelines as detailed in Harper Adams guide to report writing and guide to referencing available through the library intranet homepage for report formats.
2.    Demonstrate an ability to rationalise theory and apply to the hypothetical situation posed to arrive at justified decisions.
3.    Synthesise information gleaned both from the module and additional self- directed study to produce a logical and plausible brief.

Assignment brief approved by:
Signed    Print name    Date

Criteria for the Moderation of Assignment Briefs:
For tutor use

Does the assignment:
•    testmodule outcomes?
•    testcourse outcomes?
•    require the application of higher skills (application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation)?
•    have explicit and appropriate assessment criteria?
•    militate against plagiarism and collusion?
•    ensure the reliable assessment of individuals in group work?
•    comply with equal opportunities policies?

Is the assignment brief:
•    rigorous and at an appropriate level (4, 5, 6, 7) (see Section 4.4 of the Academic Quality Assurance Manual)?
•    clear and unambiguous?
•    on a standard, current form?

Does the brief include information on:
•    guidance or whether a word/page limit applies? (If not a limit, please ensure that students are provided with a word guidance range)
•    initialsources of information?

Are the requirements of the assignment realistic in:
•    the time required of the student?
•    the time required to mark and give effective feedback?