human development

human development

Chapter 1:

1.    Name and define the three main domains of human development, and provide an example of each.

The three main domain of human development are:  (I did this one already, but if you need to make changes or please check if it is correct.)

1.    Physical – Physical development are the changes that occur throughout our bodies such as growth of the body and brain, sensory capacities, motor skills, and

2.    Cognitive – Cognitive development is how we as humans develop. It is how we learn and obtain our information, including the way we learn, pay attention, and

use our memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity.
3.    Psychosocial – Psychosocial development is how we obtain the different patterns and changes in our emotions and personality, and the relationships we built

with others.
All three domains are very important to consider, for every single one is a component in our everyday growth.

2.    In your opinion, how does Baltes life-span approach to understanding human development resonate with the core values of the profession of social work?

Chapter 2:
1.    How would you characterize the scientific method as a way of knowing as differentiated from other ways of knowing?

2.    The text discusses two important types of research, cross sectional (snapshot in time) and longitudinal (studies carried out over time) as a way of examining

human behavior. What are some of the strengths and limitations associated with each of these types of studies? Please give an example of each type of study.

Chapter 3:

1.    There three stages of prenatal development, the germinal stage from conception to two weeks, the embryonic stage from the end of the second week to the eighth

week and the fetal stage from the end of the eighth week until birth. According to the text, both the germinal and the embryonic stage occur during the first

trimester, during which exposure to teratogens can be most damaging. What is meant by teratogens?  Please give some examples of teratogens. Why is the first trimester

a more vulnerable period than any other prenatal period?

2.    Who is the most likely to be affected by teratogenic effects and what thoughts do you have about intervention strategies that might be employed by socials

workers to help offset some of the dangers associated with this problem?

Chapter 4:

1.    According to the text what impact can a supportive environment have on birth complications later in life?

2.    How does the motor development occur in infancy (define and give several examples of both fine and gross motor skills) and what is meant by the term

“milestones of motor development”?

Chapter 5:

1.    Chapter five opens six approaches to cognitive development. They include the behaviorist approach; psychometric approach; Piagetian approach; Information

processing approach; Cognitive neuroscience approach; and social contextual approach. What do YOU find MOST interesting about EACH approach and why?

2.    In chapter 5 there is an interesting discussion of the Nature vs. Nurture debate with regard to language acquisition based on B.F. Skinner’s learning theory,

which purports that language is learned through operant conditioning, and Noam Chomsky’s nativism theory, which maintains that babies learn to talk using their inborn

capacity for languages acquisition. What are some environmental and neurological influences on language acquisition discussed in chapter five?

Chapter 6:

1.    In chapter six, Temperament, Goodness of fit and attachment are discussed. Define these three terms and briefly discuss how they relate to Erikson’s notion of

basic Trust versus Basic mistrust.

2.    What are some of the challenges associated with toddlerhood for working parents?

Chapter 7:

1.    Contrast thinking styles of three years old and seven years old.

2.    Briefly discuss the concept of learning, particularly the zone of proximal development and scaffolding as outlined by Lev Vygotsky?