economic policy

Topic: economic policy

Order code: 619820

Time remaining: 3 days 11 hours 56 minutes
Deadline:     October 02 05:13

Pages:     10, Double spaced
Sources:     8

Order type:     Essay
Subject:     Economics
Academic level:     Undergraduate
Style:     Chicago
Language:     English (U.S.)
Order Description

Essay – Monetary Policy & Current Economic Conditions (Australia): due Friday 5 October
For the essay, students are to choose a policy issue relating to Monetary Policy & Current Economic Conditions (Australia).
The maximum length is 3000 words.
Late penalties may apply.
As a general guide, the essay should do the following:
Clearly identify a policy issue. Set out what makes this issue a matter for economic policy drawing upon concepts covered in the introductory lecture, such as market failure or the objectives of macroeconomic policy.
Canvass alternative policy options and critically assess different viewpoints. To do this, students should ground their analysis in economic theory and draw upon relevant literature and empirical evidence.
Propose and justify a recommended policy position, or assess the merits of policy alternatives.
Essay Format
The written essay should be completed in a Microsoft-word document.
Essays are expected to be of a professional report standard.
Essays should be structured. There should be a brief introduction and conclusion (Remember: the length is limited and excess wordage may be penalised). The general body of the paper should be clearly planned and organised. Headings are not compulsory but may assist you in this, and make it easier for the reader in following the development of your discussion and argument.
Do not attempt to incorporate everything that you have read on a particular subject or point of discussion. Be discerning, identify key points and support these with hard evidence where appropriate.
Maximum length is 3000 words.
Do not rely solely on information from general web-sites and media reports. A significant proportion of the research for your essay should relate to readings from peer-reviewed academic journal articles.
Essay Marking Criteria
Essays will be marked on the following 4 main criteria. An approximate guide to the allocation of marks is also provided.
Coverage of the issue, relevance of the material presented (8 marks)
Demonstrated ability to apply economic theory in explaining the issue and in assessing policy options (8 marks)
Evidence of research, ability to synthesise and interpret relevant literature, including the logic and structure of the paper and arguments put forward (8 marks)
Professional skills – writing skills, report presentation and referencing (6 marks)