
Topic: sociology

Answer the following questions in the submission window below. You may want to answer these questions in your own word

processing program, save it, and then paste the answers below.
1.Define material culture and symbolic culture as explained in lectures.
2.Define cultural diffusion and global culture as explained in the text.
3. According to their website, the main objective of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO) is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education,

science, culture and communication. In 2001 the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity affirmed the need to both preserve cultural diversity as a living

treasure and prevent segregation and fundamentalism. Read through the six-page document (scroll through the PDF for the text

in English). a.Is the global culture that is discussed in our text what the UNESCO?s declaration had in mind when they

addressed preserving diversity in goods, services and policies?

4.Make sure you have already watched the movie, Our Land, Our Life on the Western Shoshone. Then read over the purpose of the

United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD),

CERD issued a warning to the United States in April of 2006 to stop plans to transfer Western Shoshone lands to multinational

mining and energy developers and stop imposing grazing and other fees on the Western Shoshone people while using ancestral

lands. You can read the document at$FILE/G0641251.pdf. CERD

reiterated the demand in 2008, requiring the U.S. to report on their response. As of Feb 2009 the United States had made no

response. Read through the ?Concerns? in that document. Why is the United Nations concerned with the U.S.? treatment of the

Western Shoshone? How does this reflect the difficulties in preserving cultural diversity?