
PSY 330 – Week 2 – DQ 1 – Neurobiology ***Theories Of Personality***Scored 100%

My tutorial includes two answers to this DQ and you can choose any one of the two.


Select one of the following options for this discussion.  Indicate in your post which option you are responding to.

Option A:  Review this week’s reading, which introduced the role of neurotransmitters in human behavior and personality.  Use the Ashford University Online Library to locate one peer-reviewed research study which was published in the last five years and that implicates a neurotransmitter as the cause of an abnormal behavior (psychological disorder).  Clearly indicate in your discussion:

a.   The abnormal behavior being studied.
b.   The neurotransmitter that is implicated.
c.   The role of the neurotransmitter in the expression of the abnormal behavior.

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at least one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts.  Respond substantively to two peers who chose a different neurotransmitter or abnormal behavior than you did.  Address the role of the neurotransmitter in the expression of the abnormal behavior that they each selected.  Are there other possible explanations for the cause of this abnormal behavior?  Which explanation do you think makes the most sense?  Why?

Option B: Review this week’s reading, which introduced the impact of early trauma on function and personality development.  Use the Ashford University Online Library to locate a peer-reviewed research study which was published within the last five years and that examines the impact of brain trauma on the function and development of personality.  Clearly indicate in your discussion:

a.   The trauma that occurred.
b.   The duration between the time of the trauma and the research study.
c.   The impact of the trauma on overall function.
d.   The impact of the trauma on personality and behavior.

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at least one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts.  Respond substantively to two peers who selected a different type of trauma than you did.  Address the role of the trauma on behavior and function.  Are there other possible explanations for the cause of these impacted behaviors or functions?  Which explanation do you think makes the most sense?  Why?