Critical Review

Critical Review

Order Description

Write a “critical” review that challenges some of the major assumptions in Bill Maher’s movie “Religulous.”
• This is not merely an opinion piece but a well thought out, critical, and researched work.
• You are not merely picking ideas out of the sky, but researching them and backing them up with clear reasoning and argumentation.
• Maher makes numerous historical and theological claims. Does he make mistakes? Is he clearly biased in some regard? How, why?
• Is his reasoning clear or flawed? In what ways?
• Does he accomplish what he sets out to do? If so, in what ways?
• Are there inconsistencies, errors, fallacies of reasoning in Maher’s approach that you can fix? If so do so.

include a creative topic for this paper

Pay special attention to the thesis paragraph to make sure it is very strong and attach that in a separate word document for me to view

check out this link to see what is required on the first page of this essay, that is ALL it should be started with: